Master Table: Module Breakdown

Module Breakdown
Column 1
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Column 12
Column 14
Column 15
Conflict Transformation Leadership - Taking the Third Perspective
Conflict Resolution and Intervention
Facilitation and Conflict Transformation Essentials
Stepping onto the field
outcome focus
comfort and curiosity with conflict
You will learn how to speak your truth while still holding space for the truth of others.
Learn how to see the big picture and
How to intervene in conflict
How to facilitate gererative conversations
how building longterm institutional capacity
Key takeaway
Conflict is an opportunity
Rule 2: Everyone needs to be included. That's what effective communication is for.
When to take the 3rd perspective and how.
Rule 3: The process is the solutionthe secret to overcoming conflict is using a process where everyone wins
How to design processes that can ease ongoing conflict and create generative discussions what --> how
large group Discussion
What is Conflict?
Needs vs interests
What is omnipartial Leadership? How do people know that you respect them? How do they know if you're trustworthy? How do you make wise decisions in the face of conflict
Continued from: Thomas Killman and CwtE decision tree - What is the right scenario of each strategy.
infintie game examples
small group breakout to come up with questions
Point #1
What is conflict?

Nonviolent Communcation essentials All human beings share the same needs. All actions are attempts to meet needs. Feelings point to needs being met or unmet. Most conflicts arise from miscommunications about human needs.
All-Win Leadership
Demonstrating that how we hold this now, sets the stage for the future.
recognizing dissent as a gift
Affirming dignity
Omnipartiality - All win Thinking

Different forms and goals of conflict resolution
Power, Rights and interests
evaluative, facilitative & transformative
Conflict Assessment
Win-Win Processes
Point #2
The components of conflict
Three ingredients of conflict
Three elements of good decision making

How to Speak unarguably
Frameworks for Understanding Interdependence
Polarity Management

Basic design for all conflict resolution & facilitation
Diamond design, conflict streams - circle process - Informed Deliberation in small groups (world cafe) - Convergent Faciliation
Practical Applications - Citizen Assemblies - Restorative Justice - Collaborative Negotiation - Vision Design - Dispute resolution centers
Point #2
Point #3
Why is Conflict So hard? and so important?
Listening - breaking the conflict cycle - Helping others communicate their needs
Deciding when to collaborate
Conflict Assessment
Thomas Killman
Collaborating with Enemy decision tree
How to intervene - BEN Model - Refelctive listenting - Dignity - Authenticity & humility
- tips & tricks (hosting, listening, convening, documenting, asking great questions)
Where to get started and Learn more
Model to teach
OFNR and ARC Conflict Cycle
Thomas Kilman and CwtE decision tree
BEN Model. conflict curve,
Kaner's Diamond
Stretch Collaboration So how do we actually work with people who we don't get along with? Stretch #1 Embrace the conflict & connection Stretch #2 Step into the game Stretch #3 Experiment to find a way forward
Point #3
first of the Three Rules of Conflict;
Point #3
Power - Rights - Interests
smaill group exercise 1
Exercise 1: Breakout pod introductions, contact info exchange and discussion about hopes for course. 2nd Session: Select case study by using the "five why's" to understand what's at the heart of the issue.
Share personal perspective: speak truth while creating space for others.
get feedback on conflict map OR Culture Translator statement OR get help finding the unifying question
Using the BEN model and reflective listening
talk about how this might fit into your personal context, and what kind of process would be best. OR craft invitation for facilitation process. AND Brign your questions for the next session

Takeaway check

Melissa and Me.
Listening to disruptive co-worker Friend Speaking up with a friend at lunch
My evolving perspective on political issues
Festival intervention
Border conflict in Ecuador,
Omni-Win Project Mailing list and content (join a community)? Office hours; Master course
Communicatton 101 course (the playbook)
Leading in complexity Master Class polarity Mangement webinar
personal leadership coaching
Master Class, Coaching
self-reflection survey, meet with pod. , find someone to interview for the next assignment
Begin building conflict map interview people, research Make a steelmam desription of the others
prepare conflict map, and share it with someone who matters to get feedback OR Craft a Culture Translators statement OR tell your overall perspective with someone AND Bring something that you have a strong feeling about to use in small group during the next session
Conversations & Learning with people in conflict (practice steelmanning and reflective listening AND Recruit some peers for a practice facilitation
do a practice facilitation
Final Exam: Why Conflict Transformation, not resolution?
We have thought of peace as passive and war as the active way of living. The opposite is true. War is not the most strenuous life. It is a kind of rest cure compared to the task of reconciling our differences ... From War to Peace is not from the strenuous to the easy existence; it is from the futile to the effective, from the stagnant to the active, from the destructive to the creative way of life ... The world will be regenerated by the people who rise above these passive ways and heroically seek, by whatever hardship, by whatever toil, the methods by which people can agree. -Mary Parker Follett
"If you're not part of the problem, you can't be part of the solution."
Morality arises from the realization that we will be in ongoing relationship with each other." -Jordan Peterson
There are at least two kinds of games: finite and infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play. Finite games are those instrumental activities - from sports to politics to wars - in which the participants obey rules, recognize boundaries and announce winners and losers. The infinite game - there is only one - includes any authentic interaction, from touching to culture, that changes rules, plays with boundaries and exists solely for the purpose of continuing the game.
Ken Pages
basic 26-28
basic 17-19
Iceberg graphic
List of universal human needs
conflict streams framework, kaners, faciliation handbook
collaborating with the enemy
Material to prepare
break out exersise description, pod structure and assignments, Virtual Doc for "What is Conflict?" Exercise
Virtual Doc for "Needs/Interests" Exercise - Playbook Website & PDF - effective communication handout
Graphic for:
Polarity Management
Wicked Problems & Complex Systems
Developmental Politics

Diamond Conflict Streams Framework
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