When it comes to tuning your preset you’ll be mostly working with:
Start with the from 0 and bring something in the foreground into focus Next set your to the overall level of depth you want for your scene Set your until most of the core foreground of your scene turns blue.
Check out this video for specific tuning
Setting your ( or test your ingame ones if you have multiple) ~17.13 is the common 70 FOV in many standard games like FPS based on a full frame sensor size
Set your to a value you want to use when moving around the scene For an example if we take 5.6 base and 32 extended we could have a nice natural depth you might be more accustomed to and would be useful when exploring areas where you want a little bit of depth, like an open vista.
is now complete
You should see your scene switch between BLUE on your focus points and RED on things that will be out of focus in debug view.
! Before exiting playmode be sure to