Depth of field is calculated by 2 main parts of the
@HD Camera
Controls the depth or shallowness of the effect.
Lower numbers like f2.8 gives a Shallow Depth of Field (a much thinner plane of focus)
the Blue you see in debug view
everything else gets blurry outside of that plane
The Red you see in debug view
Higher numbers like f22 give a Deep Depth of Field (a large plane of focus where much more is in focus)
Focal Length
By its physical nature, depending on the focal length of your lens you can achieve a different DoF even if you're focused on the same spot at the same distance.
For example:
a 24mm lens at f4
has a deeper DoF
than a 200mm lens at f4 which has a shallower depth
You can use the
@Show Gizmos
Debug on the
to view travel lines of the rays.
The rays are weighted with the centre ray being the highest priority, if your max distance doesnt hit anything the other rays will be used instead
This will enable smooth transitions between the centre ray to floor or something like a tree composed on the sides of the screen.
From above you can see how the ray gizmo would look at runtime.
@FOV multiplier
is how much of the camera’s
the rays will fill
This is also directly related to your camera’s focal length and will adjust accordingly.
is how many rays will fill the designated area.
Keeping accuracy at 1 represents 9
@Focus Points
This is our recommendation for the cheapest performance cost when using
@Accurate [RayPointMode]
🆕 1.3.0 Simple [Focus Mode]
Typically, in modern games that have auto focus, there’s a single reference point to calculate the distance rather than multi point focus, which is our default.
You can find modes like this in games like Call of Duty: Vanguard and the UE5 Matrix Experience.
🆕 1.3.0 Tag Focus
Enabling Focus Tags allows you to give auto focus only to specific objects, you would otherwise have a fixed focus depth.
Override Volume
Will allow you to blend specific override values in scenes similar to using Unity’s
@Volume Framework
You’ll use this if you need to refine constraints or expand the auto DoF nature for a specific part of the scene.
You may not always be able to rely on auto focus and you may not want to fully disable it,
are able to be stacked upon too, we’ve dubbed this ‘Volumeception’ but it’s common practice to have many volumes controlling scene standards
The workflow is the same as normal Unity Volumes so there’s no steep learning curve
@Override Volume
can be added to a normal unity volume:
Inspector of volume > add component > HIBIKI entertainment > PBADOF > Override Volume
Please ensure that your collision trigger has a character controller attached.
plus the camera tag matches the tag on the volume matches that of the tag name on the override volume.
You can also add the component directly to pre existing unity volumes
🆕 1.3.0 Advanced Volume exp
@Advanced Volume
is a volume that triggers when nothing is found within your
@Max Distance
you can then override volume settings similar to our normal
@Override Volume
Some great use cases of this is only allowing depth of field to function when you’re close to objects, you can consider this an ‘observer mode’.
or, if you want to increase of decrease the feeling of open and closed spaces, maybe to emphasize the feeling of claustrophobia, you can use this to increase or decrease the Focal length of the camera respectively.
@Advanced Volume
will follow your camera.
🆕 1.3.0 ADS Volume exp
Glass check is a setting that allows users to look through a collider and set the focus correction, this could be useful for things like windows and doors, or display cases but also isn’t limited to just glass.
To enable glass check a collider you wish to look through must set it tohave the Glass tag.
From there
@Glass [Check Range]
(in units)Afield around the collider that is the activator.
@Glass [Focus Correction]
bias adjustment (in units) to tune your in focus object.
@Glass [Raycast Limit]
(colliders look through + focus object = amount you need)
@Glass [Focus Correction]
can also be used within the volume system to override base correction levels.