At colleges, Admissions Counselors help guide prospective students (often juniors and seniors looking for schools) through their college application process. At The Institute, we take an incredibly personalized approach because we believe in knowing the whole person, not just the transcripts or essay they send us.
Our Admissions Counselors walk students through the process of learning about our school, discerning where God is calling them and where they fit, assisting with the application process, and finally guiding them through the steps of enrollment until they end up on campus.
Alongside helping students directly, Admissions Counselors also help with Student Previews, campus tours, creating a hospitable environment, and other clerical tasks needed for getting our name out to students. More tasks are listed below, but ultimately Admissions Counselors are the liaison between the prospect and the school; discerning who is mission fit, and guiding them through the process of becoming a student.
What are your responsibilities?
Potential tasks of an Admissions Counselor:
Communicating with Prospective Students (primarily through text, call, email, and Zoom)
Writing Student Summaries for the Acceptance Team about applicants assigned to you
Assisting with Student Preview
Building acceptance boxes
Sending out mail to prospective students
How can you be most successful?
It is imperative that you communicate in this role. This includes communication to students AND to others on the Admissions team.
Being quick to respond to texts, emails, and calls is the first step, but you should also ensure what you’re communicating is up to snuff; making sure to include ALL important details, being honest when something goes awry, and asking for help when you need.
Good communication from all ends will help our team run smoothly and prospective students feel seen and cared for!
Prioritize the Student
In Admissions, the student is the priority! This might look like bending to their schedule to have a call or texting at inconvenient times when you get a question.
Additionally, you may get tasked with other things that are not directly related to calling or texting, but always be sure to prioritize your communication with students at the beginning of your work times.
Be You!
YOU are a student here at The Institute and YOU have your own experiences to bring to the table!
The best thing you have to share with prospective students is yourself. So, when in doubt, share your personal experiences and the perspective you have about our college. Often, student’s aren't really looking for all the right statistics or numbers- they’ll be most drawn by feeling known and hearing stories they’re able to connect to. So always feel free to testify to what the Lord has done in you, and help them see that it’s possible or them too!