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Marketing Intern | Intro

Hey there.
Welcome to PYOR.
Your task will be to build organic distribution channels to market our products using:
Excited to have you on board!
Our only product is – XRAY – a data dashboard that builds an interpretation layer to turn on-chain data into business performance metrics.

⛩️ About the Company

Company Description
PYOR is a crypto data platform for institutional investors. Our only product is – XRAY – an integration layer that turns raw on-chain data into business performance metrics.
Our aim is to make crypto data – reliable, understandable, and useful for investment.
Our users are:
crypto analysts
institutional funds
venture capital funds
traditional finance funds
About the Founders
Our founders were previously CXOs at CoinSwitch, the largest crypto exchange in India worth over $2 billion and backed by – a16z, Coinbase Ventures, Paradigm Capital and more. Here are our founders:
Krishna Hegde
Senior VP - CoinSwitch
Senior Vice President, PayTm
Managing Director, Barclays
Sharan Nair
CBO, CoinSwtich
VP Marketing and BD, Unocoin
Sarmad Nazki
CFO, CoinSwitch
Head of Finance, Ola Electric
Yadunandan Batchu
Blockchain Dev, CoinSwtich
Blockchain Researcher, Unocoin

🔥 About the Role

Role Overview
Figure out ideas of how to organically distribute – PYOR’s message and data – to:
reach customers
make us money
help our brand
There is no structure to this. The marketing team will ideate on possible channels during the weekly BrainStorming Sessions.
All of this has to be figured out on a weekly basis, structured into processes, with measurable success metrics, and reviews.
Execute a content and/or outreach strategy on a weekly basis as per the protocol measured.
This includes:
building channel expertise
working with various channel tools
focusing on key metrics to track performance
identify what is working versus what isn’t
manage the budget, process, workflow, and review of the channel
Every channel’s goal should hit the core metric of the goals mentioned in – Ideation –:
reach customers
Metric – conversions
make us money
Metric – ARPU
help our brand
Metric – engagement
On a two-week basis, each channel is reviewed and assesses for:
What does my 1-2-3-week plan look like?
First Week
The first week should be a “settling in” and understanding 3 core concepts:
Subject – Crypto
Users – Institutional Investors
Medium – Writing, Designing, Outreach
The overarching goal of these core concepts is – “How do we acquire the right users within our subject area using the right medium.”
Second Week
After the first week, you’ll realize that two things are constant:
What is not constant is how we reach them. Some methods of acquisition are more important than the others, you can evaluate them based on:
Effort : How much effort does it take to start, stop or change the channel?
Cost : What is the cost to start and does it result in more/less value?
Flexibility : How quickly can we change a channel based on constraints?
Speed : What is the GTM speed, and does it match where we’re is at?
Scale : How quickly can I scale up my effort with everything else remaining the same?
Third Week
Once one cycle of – Picking a channel → Evaluating a channel – is complete, you will begin to – Execute the channel.
This requires a:
Clear process
Written documentation
Defining metrics
Conducting periodic reviews
Building feedback loops
This cycle follows for each acquisition channel created. Then double down on a channel that works, and discard ones that don’t work.
Marketing interns will work on – `2 week sprints` – where we:
pick a channel
justify the
create a process
execute and review
This will change from channel to channel but this is ideally how every channel selection works.
Tools To Use
For Communication – Slack
For Content and Editing:
Ideation and Workflow:

Posts Calendar

August 2024

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