In short, markets need ever more central bank liquidity for financial stability and governments will need it even more for fiscal stability. In a world of excessive debt, large central bank balance sheets are a necessity. So, forget QT, quantitative easing is coming back. The pool of global liquidity — which we estimate to be about $170tn — is not going to shrink significantly any time soon.
Both – markets and governments need central bank liquidity. Markets need it for for financial stability, and governments for fiscal stability. Central bank liquidity by expanding their balance sheet is a necessity during such a time of excessive debt. This is why – we’ll see more quantitative easing (when a central bank buys financial assets to increase the money supply and encourage lending and investment) than the reverse of it – quantitative tightening.
The pool of global liquidity, which is – $170 trillion – currently is not going to shrink any time soon.