Pricing modifiers are one of the most important steps in setting up smart pricing on your services. In this screen you’ll have the opportunity to add parameters that would increase or decrease the price of the service. Each component has a drop down where you can select the option that better suits your needs.
ℹ️ You need to create your custom fields first in order to use pricing modifiers. For example: Number of windows to clean?
The custom field is a predefined characteristic according to your business model, normally an information you require from your customer to provide a quote. The type of custom field selected here will affect the options of the other fields available in this screen.
Use this field to indicate the condition the custom field must meet to get to your desired outcome, you can select from a list of logical operators:
Equal to (=): if the answer to the question is equal to
Not equal to (/=): If the answer to the question is not equal to
Less than or equal to (<=): if the selected value is less or equal to
Less than (<): if the selected value is less than
Greater than or equal to(>=): if the selected value is higher or equal to
Greater than (>): if the selected value is higher than
There are no rows in this table
ℹ️ The list of conditions showed in this field will depend on the type of custom field you selected on the previous option. For example:
If your custom field is a Number type, where the user will have to input a number, you’ll see all the logical operators mentioned above. If the custom field
If your custom field is an option, where the user will have to select one of the available option as an answer, you will only see 2 logical operators, equal to and not equal to.
The option field will reflect the actual response from the user during the sales workflow. Once again this field will be conditioned to the type of custom field you selected.
Number custom field: the option field will become an input field where you can enter the value you want to compare the answer of your customer.
Select custom field: the option field will be a dropdown selector with the options available for this custom field.
select if the modifier will act as a fix number or a %
Type: select if the modifier will increase (+) or discount (-) money from the price of your service.
Value: define the value or amount.
You can add several modifiers, but you need to specify which ones will be active by selecting them using the checkbox located at the beginning of each raw.
Use the type of modifier to define if the rule you are defining will add or subtract value from the price of your service.
Add (+) → Select add if you want this rule to add value / money to the price of your service.
Subtract (-) → Select Subtract if you want this rule to reduce the price of your service.
Value & Modifier
This is the last part of setting a new rule, The value is the number you want to add or subtract depending the rule you are setting while the modifier will define if the value will be a fixed amount or a percentage. If you enter 50 on the field value, then your selection on the modifier field will determine if you’re adding 50 dollars or incrementing the service value by 50%.