00:00 Hello, welcome to our demo video on how to access and navigate our platform. In this video, we'll walk you through the steps to log in and explore the platform's features.
00:11 Let's get started. First, with the login page, your login details will be provided by our onboarding team. For this demo, we'll be using the demo login details which is Demo Advertiser and the password.
00:27 So, let's hit sign in for now. Great, we're now logged in. After logging in, you will be redirected to our homepage and you will see some of the sidebar options here on the left.
00:51 On our next video, we will tell you or we will teach you how to onboard your advertisers together with their users.
Part 2: Onboarding Advertisers/Clients
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Onboarding Advertisers-Clients.mp4
7.2 MB
00:00 Hello, welcome to the second part of our demo video. On this part of the video, let's talk about onboarding or creating an advertiser together with their users.
00:13 So in order to do that, let's navigate to orgs and manage orgs. So this is the page where you're going.
00:20 To manage your advertisers together with their users. So at first, you will be able to see the demo advertiser, which is in this demo, this is the advertiser of our current user.
00:33 So in order to onboard or register your advertiser, make sure that your org is selected. And make sure that the selected icon is showing here by clicking simply on the advertiser name here.
00:48 And after that, click the Create Org button. And here you will be required to fill in some information like organization name, description, advertiser domain, logos, and other permissions.
01:01 So for now, let's call it MyFirstAdvertiser For the description, let's leave it for now since this is only an optional field but for the advertiser domain, it is helpful if we put it if we put the website of your advertiser.
01:22 So, for now, let's call it www.myfirstadvertiser.com. And below are the permissions of some features of the dashboard. So, we will create a separate video explaining these different features together without permissions.
02:03 Once everything is filled in and once the permissions are set, click on the Create button here. So after you have successfully created an organization or a client account of yours, the page will be reloaded as you can see.
02:21 you can now expand or collapse bottom here on the left side of your advertiser. So let's click on that and it is confirmed that we have successfully created the first advertiser under the organization that you are using right now.
02:40 So, next. ,is to create users under this organization. So make sure first that you need to click on the name of the advertiser that you want to create a users with.
02:52 Make sure that the select marker is showing and click on the org users. So here you will be seeing apuraid user baran, so click on that and fill in the information, the information is like the username.
03:09 So for now let's call it my first user. Then put the name of that user. So for now or for this name, let's just call it first user.
03:21 For the e-mail address, make sure to use or fill in using the active e-mail address of the users that you're trying to onboard.
03:30 Because this is the e-mail that our dashboard will be sending over the username and the temporary password. So right now let's just call it.
03:41 May 1st Advertiser.gmail.com. And for the phone number, just fill in using the phone number of this user. And for the permissions here, this user can carry over the permissions that we have set in for the organization.
04:01 But we also have the ability to chart peak on those. So right now let's just turn on everything except for the demo.
04:15 And click create once everything is filled in and once the permissions are even. Congratulations, we have already created the first user of this organization called My 1st Advertiser.
Part 3: Advertiser Library Navigation
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High Performance Marketing Platform - 11 June 2024 (1).mp4
1.7 MB
0:00 Hello, welcome back to our medial dashboard demo and for today, we're going to tackle the part three of the demo So previously what we have covered is setting up the orgs by going here in orgs and manage orgs We have created one advertiser named my first advertiser and we also created a user under it
0:25 So for our next demo is to navigate to the advertiser's library So the first thing that you need to do is click on the advertiser that you're trying to set up or configure Make sure that the selected marker is showing and click on the preview advertiser button here So once you clicked it Um, you will
0:49 see that you are inside the preview mode of this advertiser, which means you can do anything Or you can set up everything for this advertiser just like an admin The next thing that you need to do is click on the upper right icon here and click on the name of the advertiser After that, you will be navigated
1:10 to the library, which you will have options for locations, targeting, creatives, tracking, first party data, and settings
Part 4: Advertiser Library - Setup Walk In Locations
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High Performance Marketing Platform - 11 June 2024.mp4
7.7 MB
0:00 all right so for this demo we're going to set up the walk-in location of this advertiser so all you need to do is make sure to go to the locations and go here in addresses and click on add retail location button next thing you need to do is search on the retail location so let's say for this demo let's
0:23 um mark the california academy of sciences so as you can see once you have selected a location or address um the fields here on the right side you will be automatically populated so the next thing that we need to do is click on satellite for better view then determine the building or the location of
0:53 the business that you're trying to create a geofence so the next thing that you need to do is make sure to click on um the drop polygon button here and once that is done let's mark or create a geofence for the business location so on this part let's mark this building and also let's include the parking
1:18 lots. right, once that is done you can put the business name let's call it California Academy of Sciences for the about field or description we can leave it blank and for the other fields here we can leave it blank also and what once that is done click on submit and you can add another one yeah you can
1:49 add multiple locations here and after that make sure to group it as an audiences or we'll group this location into one so um let's try to add another more so let's search for another location in california so let's select california science center okay click on the satellite satellite again for better
2:19 view and let's mark this whole building including the parking lot okay so let's put the name california science center for the description field let's leave it blank for now and click submit and after that um as you can see we have created two walk-in locations after that what we need to do is group
2:52 them into one so click on the ranger button on the left side select the locations that you want to group and click on the button here create attribution audiences and for this demo let's call it my first walk-in locations click create and to confirm um for the attribution audience that you have created
3:22 um let's go to the audiences tab here and as you can see this is the one that you have created my first walk-in locations and link to these two locations that we have created earlier
Creating GeoTarget Address using Add Targeting Location Button.mp4
1.6 MB
0:01 Hello again. So for now, I'm going to show you how to create or create records for your chain of targets using the tab for targeting under addresses tab here in Mediagel dashboard.
0:17 So for now, for the first step, click on the add targeting record. location button. Put the name for your first targeting location.
0:26 Let's call it my first and let's search for California academy of sciences so for the Rage just here, this is, ,for now in meter, so let's put 800 and change it to meters and just click submit.
0:50 And let's try to add another one. So let's call it my second. let's search for another location of California, so let's select California Science Center.
1:09 The radius for now, it should be 800 and let's select the unit 4 meters at least. Submit. So that's it.
1:22 See you on our next demo.
Part 4-B: Advertiser Library - Setup GeoTargets (Using CSV Import)
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Creating GeoTarget Address using CSV Import.mp4
2.4 MB
0:01 Hello again. For this demo, I'm going to show you how to create targeting addresses or jail targets using the CSV file that we're going to upload later.
0:15 So, earlier we created two files. Two jail targets using the add targeting location. For today, we're going to use the CSV file.
0:26 So first, click the sample template button. And once downloaded, create, open it. So this is the first data of the sample template.
0:41 And I have already prepared a data that is already added with the geolocations of the coffee shops in Oakland. So, after you have encoded the information of the geolocations like the name, addresses, city, state, zip code, and radius, um, download the CSV file and upload it.
1:09 So, let's download this one via CSV and let's go back to the dashboard and let's upload the CSV file that we have created.
1:23 As you can see, there will be a result after you upload, so for now, as you can see, Nunu's Cafe, uh, the dashboard cannot find this address in Google, so just click OK for this demo.
1:39 And as you can see, we have uploaded 2 out of 3 coffee shop geolocations in Oakland, California.
Part 4-B: Advertiser Library - Setup GeoTargets (Creating Targeting Group)
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Creating Targeting Group.mp4
4.2 MB
0:01 Hello again, welcome to the last part of the video demo for creating geotargets under targeting and addresses uhm page in medial dashboard.
0:14 So to recap what we have already done, we have created two geotargets. using the Add Targeting Location button and we also already covered uploading of jail target locations using the sample template and the Upload CSV button.
0:37 So for this demo, the very first last part is to is the requirement to group these create these addresses into one in order for us to to carry it over to the campaign launcher for the next demo also in order to group these locations into one the first thing that you need to do is click on on the radio
1:02 button on the left side of the targeting location name. So for now we will group the coffee locations into one and also the first and the second geotarget you have created.
1:19 So for now let's start. Click the radio button for Kilovolt Coffee and Proyecto DS Coffee. And to group them into one, click on the Create Targeting Group.
1:30 Let's call this one Coffee Locations. And let's create another group also for the first GeoTarget and the second GeoTarget. Let's call it, MyFirstGeoTargetGroup And to confirm that we have created the targeting group, let's go to the Agencies tab here.
2:05 And as you can see, these are the two groups that we have created, the coffee locations which is linked. kilovolt coffee and proactivity at the same time with my first geotarget group that is linked to my first geotarget and to my second geotarget
Part 5: Advertiser Library - Creatives Upload and Setup
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Creatives Upload on the Dashboard Org Library.mp4
4.3 MB
0:02 I will be showing you how to perform a test purchase in order for us to confirm if the tag installed on the website is indeed tracking transactions and not just page views.
0:18 So, the first thing we need is to make have the extension called Snowplow Inspector installed on your preferred browser so this will help us track page views and transaction pings on the website So once you have that installed, what we will do is hit right-click at any part of the website and click on
0:53 inspect. we will head over to these two arrows right here. to more tabs and click on snowplow at the bottom as you can see the snowplow interface is here with the page ping already and there's also the details of the tag that's installed or the pixel with the app and collector and yeah now we can begin
1:27 right here we will head over to the cart as you can see once we click pings will reflect back on Snowplow.
1:45 And as you can see right now I have a product already with this demo website and as you can see there is also address I already inputted right here and now we will proceed to check out right here so after you have filled properly that contact information and everything with the shipping address then
2:27 we can place the order and let's continue to click on place order after the confirmation, then we should see the transaction ping right over here, transaction item as well, with the details of the tag as well as you can see, collector.cnna.io and the app ID as well, and it's validity status.
3:03 So that is how we confirm that the tag or pixel installed on the website is indeed tracking transactions. So that is all for the video.
3:16 Thank you.
Part 6-A: Advertiser Library - Setup Tag Tracker
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Tag Creation Video Demo.mp4
1.9 MB
0:01 I'm going to show you how to create a tag for your advertiser's website as we are now here on the org library under the tracking tab, as you can see and it already reminds us to ensure that the tag has been installed.
0:20 on the header section of your advertiser's website. But for now, we will be setting up the tag. So we will go over here on this new tracking tag button and click this one.
0:33 So it's pretty straightforward. And right here, we will name the tag that can be released. to your advertiser or to its campaign.
0:43 So for now we can name this demo tag there and for the cart platform we have several options over here.
0:55 It depends on what is the website set up with this ecommerce platform. platform. But for now, we can select WooCommerce for a start as an example for this demo.
1:08 Once we have selected it, we just hit save. And now, as you can see, it's been processing and it has created the tag successfully.
1:20 And the demo tag we created has now popped up. And so you can see that the last time it has been updated is the latest time we have now.
1:34 And there's the page views, transactions, and signups for the attribution. of your advertiser's website once we got it installed. So this is how we create the tag for your advertiser on our dashboard.
1:54 Thank you.
Part 6-B: Advertiser Library - Install Tag Tracker (WooCommerce Example)
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Tag Installation Video Tutorial.mp4
3.8 MB
0:01 Hi, I'm going to show you how we will install a tag on the advertiser's website. And our sample for the demo will be the WooCommerce tag that we have created on the dashboard.
0:20 ,and we will be installing it via WordPress Engine for the advertisers website. So let's proceed to WordPress over here. And as we are in on the home page.
0:36 The first thing we will do is to install and activate the free code snippet plug-in, so we will here add a new plug-in and we will search code and we should have this plugin installed but as you can see I already have it active so you should go and hit the install now button.
1:08 It should be good to go. Then the next step is once we already have it installed, we will head over to the snippets section here on the left panel of the tab.
1:22 And we will select add new snippets. After, we will add an enter a title for our snippet and we can name it similar to the tag or pixel we have on the dashboard.
1:41 We can name it as demo, underscore tag. There you go. Then the next step is, we will now copy the generated tag or pixel that we had on the dashboard.
2:01 So let's head over here on the org library and we will copy to clip. the generated tag that we have for the woo commerce.
2:13 And we will paste it over here. you go. It is now pasted. Then after we will scroll down to the bottom of the screen and choose the scope for the snippet and when in doubt with the default run snippet everywhere option.
2:39 Then once you have that selected, we can now click Save Changes and Activate. that completes the tag installation video tutorial.
2:55 thank you.
Part 6-C: Advertiser Library - Test Purchase + Snowplow Inspector
Download File:
Test Purchase for the Tag installed on the website Video Demo.mp4
4.6 MB
0:02 I will be showing you how to perform a test purchase in order for us to confirm if the tag installed on the website is indeed tracking transactions and not just page views.
0:18 So, the first thing we need is to make have the extension called Snowplow Inspector installed on your preferred browser so this will help us track page views and transaction pings on the website So once you have that installed, what we will do is hit right-click at any part of the website and click on
0:53 inspect. we will head over to these two arrows right here. to more tabs and click on snowplow at the bottom as you can see the snowplow interface is here with the page ping already and there's also the details of the tag that's installed or the pixel with the app and collector and yeah now we can begin
1:27 right here we will head over to the cart as you can see once we click pings will reflect back on Snowplow.
1:45 And as you can see right now I have a product already with this demo website and as you can see there is also address I already inputted right here and now we will proceed to check out right here so after you have filled properly that contact information and everything with the shipping address then
2:27 we can place the order and let's continue to click on place order after the confirmation, then we should see the transaction ping right over here, transaction item as well, with the details of the tag as well as you can see, collector.cnna.io and the app ID as well, and it's validity status.
3:03 So that is how we confirm that the tag or pixel installed on the website is indeed tracking transactions. So that is all for the video.
3:16 Thank you.
Part 6-D: Advertiser Library - Test Purchase + Snowplow Inspector
Download File:
Test Tag on the Dashboard Video Demo.mp4
1.8 MB
0:02 I will be showing you how to perform a test purchase in order for us to confirm if the tag installed on the website is indeed tracking transactions and not just page views.
0:18 So, the first thing we need is to make have the extension called Snowplow Inspector installed on your preferred browser so this will help us track page views and transaction pings on the website So once you have that installed, what we will do is hit right-click at any part of the website and click on
0:53 inspect. we will head over to these two arrows right here. to more tabs and click on snowplow at the bottom as you can see the snowplow interface is here with the page ping already and there's also the details of the tag that's installed or the pixel with the app and collector and yeah now we can begin
1:27 right here we will head over to the cart as you can see once we click pings will reflect back on Snowplow.
1:45 And as you can see right now I have a product already with this demo website and as you can see there is also address I already inputted right here and now we will proceed to check out right here so after you have filled properly that contact information and everything with the shipping address then
2:27 we can place the order and let's continue to click on place order after the confirmation, then we should see the transaction ping right over here, transaction item as well, with the details of the tag as well as you can see, collector.cnna.io and the app ID as well, and it's validity status.
3:03 So that is how we confirm that the tag or pixel installed on the website is indeed tracking transactions. So that is all for the video.