1.6 Weekly Team Reports
220107 Weekly Report

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Top weekly accomplishments

App content
Delivered “script” outline to Justin for his voiceovers
Copy review of onboarding materials for the site
Content meeting w/ Justin—identified 4 areas we’ll be supporting:
Onboarding welcome screens
“Tips” placed strategically throughout the app
New one-page site copy revisions
Email communications w/ current users and waitlist
Landing page for 5-minute version is in the works—I directed Justin on formatting and he built the page on RS site
Met w/ Terri to walk her through collecting several weekly metrics not currently automated
Got Terri access to FB page, Twitter and ActiveCampaign (FSC email system) so she can pull stats weekly on Thursdays EOD
Roughed out simple metrics dashboard so we can track progress week over week on all top-line stats
Got designer started on lead magnet redesign (1 week turnaround time)
Autonomy meeting to realign priorities around app ads
Edited social video from Friday’s Q&A session with Josh
Drafted landing page for Market Forecast summit
Modified the page to eliminate “blank” header space on homescreen
Added Wordpress plugin to integrate WooCommerce w/ Zoom

Weekly Targets

Highest priority

Finish landing page—Liz and Bill to review copy
Test integration between WooCommerce and Zoom
Set up Zoom Webinar—get presenters invited and event scheduled
Set up separate landing page for current members so they can register for free (without seeing the $99 pricing)
Deploy that promo to the list
App videos + promo
Get landing page for 5-minute video done and published. This is the first page we’ll be pushing leads to
Full webinar, 20 min or so, with the addition of screen recordings
Finish all screen recordings with with Justin (should be done this week, according to Justin)
Particular focus on audio quality. Match it as close as possible to lav mics from Friday
App content
w/ Liz and Bill, finalize usable text for 4 areas described above:
One-page site copy
Initial round of email communications
All of these are CLOSE even from Justin’s drafts. Needs a couple hours’ attention, then ready for primetime
Rectify FSC membership stats and get those into the current metrics dashboard
Get Terri’s
Check back with lead magnet designer—invoice paid? Good on progress?
Redirect Autonomy on next iteration of ad plan, expanding beyond FB: Instagram, YouTube to start with
Map out creative assets needed for that
Pull latest style guide from Justin’s site redesign to match new ads
Potentially revise app demo videos into ads. New graphics?
7P accounting — get Autonomy and FSC paid

Near term

App focus
Work w/ Liz on customer service/questions line — develop SOP for responding to folks on Slack/Email/Kajabi
Rough out a content calendar for app promo
Email schedule
Social accounts


Work out messaging on the app’s “free trial” period for current users
App metrics
Work out Firebase and Google Analytics targets to get a dashboard of KPIs going — always up to date, automated
Overhaul Autonomy reporting mechanism — NEED month over month for KPIs
Key terms to search and associated topics to create lookalike audiences
Map out additional ad creative needs for next round of ad spend
Project management tool through the end of the year
Get R set up as premium instructor on Udemy


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