1.6 Weekly Team Reports
211112 Weekly Report

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Weekly Top Accomplishments


Managed team and content meetings
Provide QA and approval for all social messages and list emails
Managed the delivery of the 7P course with curriculum additions/corrections and daily emails
DRS list growth (currently 1,791)
Produced the 7P Q&A video with Richard and Josh
Directed Risk Rituals publishing
Collected and reviewed stats for 7P


Provided ongoing support and management for team
1:1’s with R
Processed weekly invoices for payment
Metrics with Dan
Reviewed monthly finance package from CFO Alliance


1:1 with Ron William, FSC candidate
Participated in Zoom with Richard & Ron William, FSC candidate for a position
Zoom with Andy Pancholi re: Ron William
Discovered Mark’s slide presentation, distributed to Ron William
FSC member survey located and to Ron William
Discontinued monthly retainer with Andrey for FSC web maintenance—on hourly basis now

Top Weekly Objectives


Schedule shoot in FL for DRS/Justin for app webinar, plus funnel for DRS to app, New DRS Masterclass video
DRS Book
Detailed planning for Black Friday and Cyber sales for 7P
Idea for FSC newsletter / 7P promotion
Friday Josh social recording with R
Social plan
Next RR plan
Autonomy social
Dig into cost per lead and Autonomy’s lead generation efforts
Read DRS Brand Ideas
Begin planning for $2,500 masterclass (25 participants)


Team Meeting Monday
VA compliance
Content Meetings
Final 7P course metrics and demographics – distribute to RiskSmith team
Graphs/Metrics – get weekly stat sheet (Terri)
GTM Strategy Team Meeting
Process invoices
Get RiskSmith budget to Justin for additions
CFO Alliance meeting
Metric’s meeting with Dan/Terri to develop stat sheet and graphs
Find shared Content Team space and get used


FSC action items
Send resume to board members
Lars contribute article
Minutes distribute
Newsletter / Lars?
FSC Cycles TV with Dr. Richard Smith
Jake event
Participate in FSC Ops meeting
Find, recruit, onboard a Marketing Manager for FSC
Put together a transition and hiring plan
Ensure FSC renewals are automated in CRM
Obtain R’s signature on Harriman House contract and send to Craig
Complete review Mark’s files / get ICloud access from Mandy

Top Strategic Objectives

Consolidate learnings / analysis
Ensure all 7P Cohort 2 are in the app
Work on weekly newsletter for app users
Strategize and implement FB and other social ads funnel to the app
Convert our list to app
DRS Masterclass
DRS web update
Do webinar on app – drive traffic
Cyber sale of 7P / edits and emails
Continue building DRS list


Discuss Chairman and Executive Director posts with R
Redesign Mastering Risk
Podcast push
Project management top task board established
Website update
New screens for App
Finish Trademark filings
Podcast Plan
YouTube plan
Name the Q&A – Richard’s rants – Risk Report


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