1.6 Weekly Team Reports
1.6 RMSI Weekly Reports

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220114 Weekly Report

For the week ending January 14, 2022

RMSI Team Weekly Highlights

App and content teams fully aligned:
Justin is currently designing and building site; Liz, Dan and Bill are providing copy
Target end of next week:
landing page up and running, ready for traffic
Onboarding text in place
Autoresponders set for new waitlist/app users
DRS list continues to hit growth targets: 2,167 currently, will hit 2,500 by EOY
FSC “Giving Tuesday” promo out—brought in 21 renewals, 11 new members and 2 new Analyst members

Team’s Weekly Detailed Reports



Priority Weekly Targets


Suite of app content done and deployed (pending Justin’s new site design done and ready)
Videos published and on landing page (pushing either to waitlist or directly into app, depending on app readiness)
Site text ready for primetime, including onboarding and email autoresponders
25% of ad budget will start to go toward app (rather than building DRS list)


Metrics refresh with Dan and Terri—will be pulling in top-level stats for DRS and app
2022 budgets


Newsletter and social posts published
Jan. event planning
Ongoing marketing manager search

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