1.6 Weekly Team Reports
211029 Weekly Report

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Top weekly accomplishments

7PSI delivery
Edited and posted three additional app demo videos
Added landing pages for the videos
Edited final Friday Q&A and added to course
Beginnings of customer support — more on this in the coming week
Pulled all survey responses into one doc for review
Thorough analysis of users:
How much of the course they watched
How many surveys they completed
Where the sale came from
Whether or not they’re using the app
Compiled all available demographic information on user base so far
Directed Bill on Zoom recording SOP
Recreated FSC letterhead, business cards, envelope template based on Richard’s notes; delivered update
Created Word template for VA compliance letter; worked with Terri to finalize that
Created new heatmap graphic for RISK Rituals

Weekly Targets

7P metrics
Wrap up learnings:
Final review of all email performance
Bring in last surveys
Compile report w/ Liz’s qualitative analysis of surveys
App focus
Work w/ Liz on customer service/questions line — develop SOP for responding to folks on Slack/Email/Kajabi
Rough out a content calendar for app promo
Email schedule
Social accounts
Need a new ad plan. Explore other platforms: Instagram, YouTube to start with
Map out creative assets needed for that
What do we have on the brand so far that we can pull in?
Potentially revise app demo videos into ads. New graphics?
7P accounting — get Autonomy and FSC paid
Tampa video shoot
Plan w/ Bill. Rough out what we need: how long, what format, intention, etc.
Pre-production w/ Stephen E.
Get back into active direction w/ Autonomy
Overhaul their reporting mechanism — NEED month over month for KPIs
Key terms to search and associated topics to create lookalike audiences
Map out additional ad creative needs for next round of ad spend
Post-Thanksgiving sales planning. What new assets do we need for that campaign?
RISK rituals for next Thursday — excerpt from webinar
Check w/ designer on revised lead magnet design


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