1.5 Weekly Team Reports NEW
210910 Weekly Report

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Top weekly accomplishments

7PSI Promo
Delivered updated cut of trailer; ready for promo use
Finished cutting first of new “principles” videos; tweaked based on Bill’s notes and will complete all 7 by Tuesday
Finished 15-second cut of the trailer; used for ads
Continued directing MPP in their landing page build; should be complete by EOD Tuesday
Built out Liz’s current email promo sequence inside Kajabi; to be edited and designed early this week
Built 7PSI checkout page, based on research of successful models
Led meeting w/ Autonomy focused on activating the FSC audience when we launch 7PSI
Delivered Palantir “gold” video for social networks

Weekly Targets

7PSI promo
Receive finished landing page from MPP
Immediately, flow in the latest sales page copy from Liz and Bill
Finish “principles” video series
Email sequences populated w/ current text
Finish checkout page design
Get finished testimonials in place on sales page
Test all sequences w/ Autonomy’s assistance
7PSI ads
Get agreement on ad and funnel structure w/ Autonomy
Deliver any needed FSC info to them to activate that audiences
Deliver 15-second trailer cut
Deliver principles videos to them as well, for ads
Work out “ad” in FSC newsletter
7PSI sales
Test Autonomy’s metrics tools — heatmap on the page, Google Analytics on all landing pages
Revisions to course
Make all edits needed to course to align with the app — including portfolio update
Check out all “forum” options. Native in Kajabi? Telegram? Discord?
Prepare transcripts for download
3 tiers all identified and locked in; Kajabi products set up and tested
Build an onboarding survey for the next cohort
Add captions to videos on Kajabi
Review Udemy for possibly syndicating course materials (lower priority but keep on the list)
Check w/ designer on revised lead magnet design
w/ Liz, finish RISK Rituals for the week
Record tutorial videos for the app w/ Alec
Get “Dr. Smith” branding on the site so we can secure the TM
See if Medium makes sense as an outlet for Richard’s “rabbit hole” pieces
Do an audit of our email subject lines. Want to maintain our current high open rates


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