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CRM - Email-Marketing - ActiveCampaign

How we utilize ActiveCampaign as our CRM and email marketing tool and how it integrates with the rest of our tech stack.

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The main reason we choose ActiveCampaign (or AC for short) is for the CRM and contact management functionality. All of our contact data should live there.
We utilize the so that we have a sidebar in our Gmail and so we can easily to identify the different types of people and meeting notes for contacts. The main goal is to get as many of our contacts into AC.
When you are looking at an email in Gmail you will see the AC button on the right side which will open up the Contact Details. (see screenshots below)
Click the “Add Contact” button and you will see all the fields. You can hide the sections to make it easier to get to the most commonly used field by clicking on the section headings.
Besides the Tags the most important fields to fill out are the:
Phone Number
“Our Main Internal Notes/Contact-Summary”
For Internal Purposes only - a brief description/summary of the contact.
The Organization that they work for.
Social-Media Link
This would be ideal if you happen to have it handy but not necessary.


We use the “Add a Note” feature to keep track of main notes about communications with them. This can be redundant to emails but helps us track the progress in a concise way.

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