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Phone Numbers

Service Phone Number

(213) 293-7395
Access via: (cohere.network@gmail.com)
Mainly for places requiring 2-factor authentication for
Use in conjunction with a service email like social@cohere.network so company accounts aren’t tied to individual email addresses or phone numbers.
We use this google voice number (free) for service accounts, like when we need to verify our identity with a phone number.
Although this is technically linked to Dakotah's phone number (it is set to "do not disturb" so will always go to a generic voice) any of us could log in to the voice.google.com site and get text messages and calls there.
Please see the notes in the Shared Vault for "cohere.network@gmail.com - for Google Voice Number" for more details about signing in.
We don't need an official 1-800 number yet since we want to funnel people through contact forms ideally to capture their info and then we use meeting services.

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