Working Sheet [Aishwarya]

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Idea #1 - Let's Play Games on the Podcast!
Simple games can help reveal the true personality of our guest and how they perform under pressure. This can be a valuable and engaging learning experience for listeners. For example, games that require quick thinking and decision-making can put guests on the spot and see how they handle being rushed. Depending on the guest and the type of audience they have the game can be decided. Here are some suggestions for games:
Rapid-fire round - Ask the guest a series of short, quick-witted questions
Overrated or Underrated - Throw a topic and the guest will decide whether it is overrated, underrated, or properly rated.
One word for - Throw a topic and the guest will give one word that describes it the best according to them.
Financial role-play: Ahh wait I can explain… Pose a hypothetical financial scenario to the guest and ask them how they would approach it.
Guest prediction: Ask the guest to make a prediction about a future financial event or trend.
Audience poll: Ask our audience to vote on a particular financial topic or trend (through our socials, LinkedIn, X, IG story) Then, discuss the results with the guest.
Audience questions: Invite your audience to submit questions for the guest to answer.
Some benefits of this are:
- Can be used for short form videos + trailer/ intro
- Great way to keep listeners engaged and entertained.
- Can create a separate series on this can reuse content without a lot of efforts.

Idea #2 - Reuse content
By reusing content we can reach a wider audience, generate more engagement, and build a stronger brand for your finance podcast. At the same time make sure the process is effective + isn't time consuming
Here are some examples of how we can reuse content:
Trailer/ Intro (Long form + Short form video)
Use the intro video as a teaser and create hype around it. We need to publish the teaser at least 12 to 24 hours before the podcast is released.
Shorter clips from the episode (Long form + Short form video)
- Long form video: 3 to 15 mins clip from the podcast. Can use timestamps to make it even easier. The only thing we need to create is a new Thumbnail + Intro. This way we can link it back to the full podcast can drive more traffic.
- Short form video: 30 to 60 seconds clip from the podcast.
Game series (Long form + Short form video)
- Long form video: clip from the podcast and new Thumbnail + Intro
- Short form video: 30 to 60 seconds clip from the podcast.
PS: Can we take pictures of our guests for the podcast thumbnails?? High-quality pictures of the guests will helps us to create a clickbaity + unique thumbnail.
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