Launch Event Presentation

Presentation Script (DRAFT 2)

Edit this pitch about why the viewer should attend "Facilitation and Conflict Transformation" course. Reduce the word count to under 1000 words, and make the tone personally relevant and inspirational:


Common plight (goal is to create connection with the audience.

Who here had the experience as a child of watching or being in the middle of a fight between your parents and felt helpless? (RAISE OWN HAND)
Who here has had the experience of being in the middle of a fight about politics and felt helpless?
I personally, was afraid of conflict growing up. I found it terrifying that the people with responsibility for others were unable to work together across differences.
But you know what, I don't feel hopeless anymore, because I now know that conflict is the engine of creativity and transformation. And in the years since my childhood I have found the tools and learned the skills that are needed to harness and transform the potential energy of conflict.
Hello! My name is Duncan Autrey, I am a conflict transformation catalyst and I'm the one who is bringing you the "Facilitation and Conflict Transformation" course.

First, Why This is important

Things are bad right now in our country. Raise your hand if you agree with these statements:
The leadership in our country, our collective mommies and daddies, are acting irresponsibly
There little reason to believe that our leadership can work together to address the important issues of our time
The divisiveness of the 2024 election process is a threat to our national unity
According to a June poll from the Pew Center: there's only one national problem that republicans and democrats agree on, and that is a concern about the ability of republicans and democrats to agree on anything, so they could work together.
Whether it's AI or Climate change, we're facing the most important challenges in history, and the choices we make today will echo out through generations.
Not being able to work together on these issues is not acceptable.
Fortunately, it doesn't need to be this way. We already have the tools to do this better.
Imagine what it would be like if you could transform the conflict around you into an engine of positive change? Imagine what it would be like if you knew how to convert our diversity and differences into our greatest asset? imagine the impact of all of us learning how to do these magic tricks together, in our communities, across the country
We need a fresh approach, so here are some alternative definitions of conflict that we will explore in the course:
Conflict is a natural result of diversity and can lead to creativity and innovation.
Conflict is an opportunity to learn about ourselves and others, and to build stronger relationships.
Conflict can lead to deeper understanding and appreciation of others' experiences and viewpoints.
Conflict is the sound made by the cracks in a system; the voice of the new paradigm calling for change in a system that has outlived its usefulness.
Conflict is an opportunity and a request for authenticity, acknowledgment, intimacy, empathy, understanding, growth, or learning; in other words, a request for a better relationship.

It comes down to this. You, we, all of us face a choice every time we're in conflict: you can let it be destructive and harmful or you can make it be generative and healing. It really is up to you.
We all win or we all lose.
I'm here on a recruiting mission. We desperately need people who can steward us through this transformation.
My course, "Facilitation and Conflict Transformation" you will learn about how conflict is a fundamental feature of diversity. You'll learn about how to harness conflict and collective intelligence to generate tremendously more effective solutions while forging deep and lasting relationships.
Yes. This is really possible.

Personal Transformation & Credibility

I used to be where you are: I grew up afraid of and avoiding conflict. Like most folk, I thought that is was the problem. At a young age I dedicated my life to "peace" and apparently I took it very seriously, because I'm still on the same path. I am no longer afraid of conflict and instead of avoiding it, now I lean in.
I studied conflict and peace at universities in Washington, DC, Switzerland and Buenos Aires. I practiced for years in community mediation centers in Seattle and Oakland. I've obsessively trained in faciliation models for every shape, size and intensity of discussion. My work has taken me to places ranging from Colombian hot zones to PTA meetings at the elementary school down the street.
In the last years I've come to focus all of that knowledge on supporting the repair of our broken democracy and the healing of our political divisions. I call this effort the Omni-Win Project, and the mission of that project is to share the tools that already exist to help us heal our political crisis.
So that you can use these tools in your communities
Become the a trusted and respected leader you know you are.
So that you can be part of the movement that stewards our democracy into the future.

Can You think of anything more important for our current political crisis than developing a network of facilitators and conflict resolutionaries who are able to stand gracefully in the fire of conflict, support important conversations and transform deeply divisive questions into sustainable all-win solutions.
I can't think of anything more important, and that's why I'm here.
If you are ready to step into the kind of leadership that can hold strong in the swirling storm, then you need to take my course on "Facilitation and Conflict Transformation."



The goal of this course is two-fold. 1)You will learn how to stand in the fire of conflict with comfort, calm and curiosity. AND 2) You will learn the secrets to transforming diverse perspectives into powerful collective intelligence.
But the course in more than facilitation and mediation tools. By attending, you will will learn lifelong skills that will deepen and improve all of your relationships. These skills are also the key to being a trusted and respected leader in the center of the political storm.
Across the six modules my course will show you how to approach conflict from all perspectives. You'll learn how to navigate conflicts as an individual and in interpersonal relationships. And you will learn how to steward others through conflict and into collective decision-making.

ONE LESSON (Power - Rights & Interests)

Humans have resolved disputes in three fundamentally divergent ways: power, rights, and interests.

The Problem of Power and Rights Based Approaches

Both power- and rights-based approaches require winners and losers, they distribute social status, economic wealth and political power hierarchically, competitively and disproportionately. Usually the most goes to the smallest number at the top, and the least goes to the greatest number at the bottom.
The way to see beyond these divisions is interest-based language, creativity, and an attitude of empathy and collaboration, which are fundamental elements in dialogue and mediation. Interests reflect not merely what people want, but why they want it. Consequently, this approach encourages informal problem-solving, facilitation, dialogue, collaborative negotiation, consensus building and mediation.
Moreover, interest-based processes are “win/win” games that are better able to prevent, resolve, transform, and transcend chronic conflicts by addressing them at their systemic source, and to support collaborative, democratic relationships that encourage continuous adaptation, evolution, and personal and systemic change.
get participants to put examples oof each approach into the chat

Transition Hook

Does anyone here believe that our political system can transform itself without the skills to communicate and collaborate across our differences?
Our world and our communities need people who can take us beyond polarization and show us all that diversity is our strength.

Overall Transformation summary:

Look, I really understand how scary things are in U.S. Politics. Our national mommies and daddies are in a nasty fight. They are so caught up in their tit-for-tat fight that they stopped keeping their eyes on the road long ago.
We are wise enough now to know that their behavior and dysfunction is not only unacceptable but it is also existentially dangerous. We can no longer let our differences and disagreements hold us back.
We understand that we need to take matters into our own hands. If they can't act responsibly, then it's our turn to take control of the wheel.

This course will take you from feeling helpless and hopeless in the face of dysfunction and confusion, and it will show you how to get in the drivers seat. This track will help you become the calm, respected and powerful leader that you know you need to become right now.

I'm here today because I believe in the project of the United Independents. I trust that right now I'm talking to the leaders that will steward our nation into a future that works for all of us.
It will not be an easy journey, but I really want you to know that it doesn't have to be a painful one. We really do have everything we need to get things working again and I can't wait for you to come to my course so I can share it all with you.

Is this for you?

This track is for you if you are tired of surface level discussions & disagreements and you want to dive deep into the heart of complex and important issues.
This track for you if you are ready to let political partisanship become a thing of the past, and you want to show your community how to get to an all-win future, that takes everyone's needs into consideration.
This track is for you if you want to understand what is actually going on? Why are things so dysfunctional?
This track is NOT for you if you believe that you already have everything figured out, or that you don't need to hear other's perspectives.


It could be easy to dismiss this course as only "soft skills" or maybe you're thinking that you already know how to "communicate." I'll push back on that in a few ways:
firstly, soft skills are hard skills. They do not come naturally, and require both practice and self-awareness.
Secondly, almost every problem/ conflict/ crisis that we face will require communication across differences, and all the evidence indicates that we are unable to do this.
There might not be anything more important than developing the soft skills we need to make sustainable and mutually acceptable decisions.
We are stuck. We need to get to the next level. Helping people navigate that process together is THE SKILL we need.


This leadership-in-action program is amazing. There are some truly incredible courses that you get to choose from.
I commend United Independents for making these skills so accessible, because the "Facilitation and Conflict Transformation" course is worth the registration fee alone. Not only do I charge hundreds for this course outside of the program, but the specific skills you'll learn with me are invaluable, because they can be applied in every relationship you have for the rest of your life.
insofar as you have choice, this would be a really good course to participate in live. In the course there will many opportunities to work with your specific conflicts.
With the current crisis in U.S. democracy and political culture, we are facing the biggest and most important conflict in history. I want to work with the next generation of facilitators and conflict resolutionaries who are ready to support the healing of our democracy. I can't do this alone. I hope you will join me.
If you know right now that this course is for you. I encourage you to put the first session on your calendar right now. ("Attend LIVE") Oct 5 at 4:30pm PT/7:30 ET
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