Launch Event Presentation


When you were a child did you ever get caught in the middle of your parents fighting? Do you remember desperately hoping they would stop but felt totally helpless?
I did.
Do you ever feel scared or angry when you watch our political leaders get into fights without any effort to find a solution?
I do.
I understand those feelings all too well. Growing up, conflict terrified me. It's still scary. but I no longer feel helpless, because I now know that conflict can be a catalyst for positive change, and I've learned how to make that happen.
My name is Duncan Autrey, I'm a conflict transformation catalyst, creator of the Omni-Win Project and I've spent decades exploring conflict transformation and facilitation, and I'm here to introduce you to our transformative 'Facilitation and Conflict Resolution' course.
But first, Why does this matter so much?
I'm sure you've noticed, We're living in a pivotal moment in history. Our decisions today will resonate for generations to come.
Sadly, our political leaders are acting irresponsibly, and are seriously struggling to make wise forward-thinking choices. The toxic divide in our nation corrodes our communities, and the upcoming 2024 election threatens our national integrity.
According to a June 2023 Pew Center poll, the only thing that a majority of Republicans and Democrats agree on is that they are worried about the inability of Republicans and Democrats to agree on anything.
But we can't let our differences paralyze our progress, especially when diversity should be our greatest strength.
Conflict, far from being a destructive force, can be a pathway to mutual understanding and meaningful change.
I, too, used to avoid conflict, just like many of you. However, motivated by the turmoil around me, I embarked on a journey that led me to conflict zones in Colombia, border disputes in Ecuador, corporate training rooms, and local PTA meetings.

so Recently, I've channeled my passion into the Omni-Win Project. It turns out, I can no longer tolerate bad communication about important issues.
So, Through training programs, collaborative democracy projects, and a multimedia podcast, i'm sharing the existing tools and ideas that can heal our democracy and political crisis, so that together we can co-create a future where everyone wins.
I'm offering this course to empower you to become a trusted and skilled leader in your community,
I'm also hoping that you will become part of a network of facilitators and conflict resolution experts who can navigate conflicts gracefully and contribute to a sustainable, all-win future for our nation.
Democracy is in peril, and this is your opportunity to be part of the new generation of conflict transformation stewards who can help restore our national integrity.
Can you see how important this is?
The 'Facilitation and Conflict Resolution' course will equip you with the tools to face conflict with comfort and curiosity. You'll learn how to turn diverse perspectives into collective wisdom, acquiring skills that will not only enhance your relationships but also boost your career prospects. In these tumultuous political times, these skills are indispensable for becoming a respected local leader.
Over six modules, we will delve into conflict at various levels and dimensions, from individual and interpersonal to group and national conflicts.
We'll explore techniques and methods for facilitating collaborative decision-making and for restoring relationships after the rupture.
Whether you're inside the conflict or mediating from the outside, you'll gain practical skills and conceptual frameworks that offer a new perspective on the world.
Our course focuses on interest-based approach to facilitation and conflict resolution, which stands apart from the more traditional power-based and rights-based approaches.
The Power-based approach resolves conflicts by deciding who is most "powerful," and relies on violence, force, and/or hierarchy. Unfortunately, this ancient and popular approach destroys relationships, and usually generates more problems than it resolves.
Rights-based processes resolve conflicts by deciding who is most "right" according to universal rules and laws. It’s an improvement from power, but also has significant limitations. Laws will never be able to encompass human complexity and, importantly, the laws are often created by individuals with power.
Power and rights-based methods create winners and losers, perpetuating division and chronic conflicts.
In contrast, interest-based resolution seeks to understand why an issue matters to each party involved, fostering creative collaboration, long-term adaptation, and personal growth. It's a win-win approach that we desperately need in today's world.
Now, let me pose a critical question: Can our political system truly transform without effective communication and collaboration across differences?
I don't believe it can.

Our political leaders, our collective mothers and fathers, are fighting, and they aren't keeping their eyes on what’s important . We can't afford to let these disagreements distract us from what's important.
This course will shift you from helplessness to empowerment.
If you're weary of superficial discussions and ineffective arguments, if you're ready to transcend partisanship and make a substantial impact on your community's unity, this course is for you.
Don't dismiss it as merely "soft skills." Soft skills, as we all know, are hard-won through practice, and they are essential for our survival. In a world filled with complex problems requiring communication across diverse populations, these skills are our lifeline.
It's time to abandon the illusion of an "us versus them" struggle because, in reality, we all win or we all lose.
The 'Facilitation and Conflict Resolution' course will not only change your life by enhancing your career and relationships, but it will also change the course of history.
We need you, the next generation of facilitators and conflict resolution experts who can confidently stand in the fires of conflict and lead us toward a sustainable, all-win democracy together.
If you believe this course is your calling, jot this down in your notebook: "I want to learn how to facilitate and transform conflict," and then join the course. Stay tuned by visiting to learn more.
I'll leave you with a thought from my mentor, Kenneth Cloke: "Conflict is the sound made by the cracks in a system that has outlived its usefulness. It's the voice of a new paradigm coming to replace it."

This is a pivotal moment, and I hope you'll join me in co-creating the future of democracy.

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