Launch Event Presentation



As a child, did you ever helpless in the midst of a conflict between your parents? (Raise MY hand)
Have you ever felt helpless in the midst of a conflict between our political leaders? (Raise MY hand)
I know that feeling all too well. Growing up, I was terrified of conflict. It was scary when those in charge couldn't work together despite their responsibilities. It's scary today too, but I don't feel helpless anymore. I am here with a different perspective because I've discovered that conflict can be a catalyst for creativity and transformation. Over the years, I've acquired the tools and skills needed to harness conflict's potential energy.
Hello, I'm Duncan Autrey, a conflict transformation catalyst, and I'm excited to introduce you to the "Facilitation and Conflict Transformation" course.

But first, Why This Matters:

Our country is facing serious problems. Just, Nod if you agree with any of these three statements
Our national leaders are acting irresponsibly, and they are incapable of making wise decisions.
The 2024 election process presents a real threat to our national integrity.
Political divisiveness and polarization is corrosive and it's hurting our communities and families.
According to a June 2023 Pew Center poll, the only thing that a majority of Republicans and Democrats agree on is that they are worried about the inability of Republicans and Democrats to agree on anything.
That is not okay.
We're facing critical existential challenges, and the decisions we make today will resonate through generations. We simply can't afford to let our differences prevent progress.
Fortunately, it doesn't have to be this way.
What if you knew how to transform conflicts into drivers of positive change? What if you could turn diversity and differences into a creative asset?
We seriously need a fresh approach, and that's why I'm here.
Transforming conflict requires a new approaches and new definitions. Here are some of my favorites.
Conflict is a natural result of diversity and is the source of creativity and innovation.
Conflict is an opportunity to learn about ourselves, and it can lead to deeper understanding and appreciation of others' viewpoints.
Conflict is the sound made by the cracks in a system. It's the voice of the new paradigm calling for change in a system that has outlived its usefulness.
Conflict is a request for authenticity, acknowledgment, empathy, and growth; an opportunity to build stronger relationships.
When you really understand conflict the world will never look the same again.

Personal Transformation & Credibility:

I used to fear conflict, just like many of you. However, I studied and worked on peace & conflict around the world, trained with masters and practiced many years in community mediation centers.
My journey led me from Colombian hot zones and border conflicts to corporate trainings and local PTA meetings.
In recent years, I've focused my efforts to align with my passion. I'm bringing my experience to bear on the healing our political divisions. I call my work the Omni-Win Project. Through training programs, pro-democracy projects and a podcast, my goal is to share tools that are needed to mend our democracy,
I'm here to offer this course so that you can bring these tools to your communities and become a local steward that is respected and trusted by all.
I'm here so that you can join me in the conflict transformation revolution that guides our democracy into the future.
I'm here because what we need is a network of skilled facilitators and conflict resolutionaries who can stand gracefully in the fire of conflict and support us in finding sustainable all-win solutions.
Do you see how powerful that would be.
That's why I'm here offering this course

Course Purpose:

In the "Facilitation and Conflict Transformation" course you'll learn to embrace conflict with comfort, calm, and curiosity. You'll unlock the secrets of transforming diverse perspectives into wise collective intelligence.
But this course is more than just tools. It offers lifelong skills that will improve both your relationships and your career. These skills are the key to becoming a respected leader, especially in turbulent political times.
Across six modules, you'll learn how to approach conflict from every angle and dimension: from the interpersonal to the national, from healing & reconciliation to deliberation decision-making, and from both the inside and the outside.

Lesson: Power - Rights & Interests

Here's the core concept of my field:
Throughout history, disputes have been resolved using one of three methods: power, rights, and interests. Power, the oldest and most popular approach, favors the strongest party. This is the strategy behind wars, protests, and authority figures. Can you think of an instance of power-based conflict resolution?
The rights-based method introduces universal rules but has limitations. These rules are often created by powerful individuals and cannot encompass human complexity.
Both power and rights based approaches create winners and losers, fostering division. These approaches are often the source of chronic conflict. .
In contrast, interests-based conflict resolution delves into why people want something, fostering creative collaboration and problem-solving. Importantly, it's a win/win process. This approach address conflicts at their core while encouraging ongoing adaptation and personal growth.

Transition Hook:

Sustainable all-win solutions is far from our current reality. The operative question is, can our political system transform itself without the ability to communicate and collaborate across differences?
I don't think so.

Overall Transformation Summary:

Our political leaders, our collective mothers and fathers, are fighting again, and they aren't keeping their eyes on the road. We can't afford to let our disagreements hold us back any longer. It's time for us to take control of the wheel.
This course will move you from helplessness and into the driver's seat. You'll become the respected steward our nation needs right now.
I believe in the United Independents' project. I trust that I am talking to the leaders who will guide us toward a future that benefits us all. The journey won't be easy, but it doesn't have to be painful.

Is This for You?

This course is for you if you're tired of superficial discussions and ready to delve into complex issues.
It's for you if you want to transcend political partisanship and guide your community toward an all-win future.
This course is NOT for you if you've got it all figured out or don't think you need to hear others' perspectives.

Anticipated Objection Response:

Compared to all the awesome courses here, you might dismiss this course as merely teaching "soft skills." I want to push back by saying, firstly, soft skills are "hard skills. They are hard won through lots of practice. And they are essential to our survival. Complex problems require communication across diverse populations, and these "soft" skills are the only way to pull that off.
We're stuck in the win/lose paradigm, and we need to level up now, because the hard truth is:
We all win or we all lose.


The "Facilitation and Conflict Transformation" course is invaluable. The skills you learn with me will extend beyond this program and into your whole life.
You need this course, because we need you. We are immersed in the biggest and most important conflict in history.
I'm looking for the next generation of facilitators and conflict resolutionaries who are ready to support the healing of our democracy. None of us can do this alone. It is a team effort, and I hope you will join me.


If you believe this course is for you, write down "learn how to facilitate and transform conflict."
Let's transform conflict into an engine of positive change together.
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