Launch Event Presentation

DRAFT 3 (GPT edit)

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Use 2nd person to make the tone feel personally relevant and inspirational:


Have you ever felt helpless in the midst of a conflict, whether it was your parents arguing when you were a child or a heated political debate? (Raise my own hand)
I know that feeling all too well. Growing up, I was terrified of conflict, especially when those in charge couldn't work together despite their responsibilities. But today, I stand here with a different perspective because I've discovered that conflict can be a catalyst for creativity and transformation. Over the years, I've acquired the tools and skills needed to harness conflict's potential energy.
Hello, I'm Duncan Autrey, a conflict transformation catalyst, and I'm excited to introduce you to the "Facilitation and Conflict Transformation" course.

Why This Matters:

Our country is facing challenging times. Raise your hand if you agree with these statements:
Our national leaders seem to be acting irresponsibly.
It's hard to believe they can work together to address our crucial issues.
The divisiveness in the 2024 election process threatens our national unity.
According to a recent Pew Center poll, the only thing Republicans and Democrats agree on is that they are concerned about the inability of Republicans and Democrats to agree on anything.
We're dealing with critical challenges like AI and climate change, and our choices today will resonate through generations. We can't afford to let our differences prevent progress.
Fortunately it doesn't have to be this way. We can do this better.

What if you knew how to masterfully transform the conflicts around you into drivers of positive change? What if you could turn diversity and differences into an asset?
We need a fresh approach, and that's why I'm here, offering alternative definitions of conflict that we'll explore in the course:
Conflict is a natural result of diversity and can lead to creativity and innovation.
Conflict is an opportunity to learn about ourselves and can lead to deeper understanding and appreciation of others' viewpoints.
Conflict is the voice of change in a system that has outlived its usefulness.
Conflict is a request for authenticity, acknowledgment, empathy, and growth.
Conflict is a request for a build a stronger relationship.

You, (me, all of us) face a choice every time any of us are in conflict:
you can let it be destructive and harmful or
you can make it be generative and healing. It really is up to you.

We all win or lose together.

Personal Transformation & Credibility:

I used to fear conflict, just like many of you. However, I pursued peace studies at universities worldwide and practiced in community mediation centers. My journey led me from Colombian hot zones to PTA meetings.
In recent years, I've focused on healing our political divisions through the Omni-Win Project. My mission is to share tools to mend our democracy, and you can use them in your communities. Become the trusted leader you aspire to be and join the movement that guides our democracy into the future.
I believe that nurturing facilitators and conflict resolution experts is vital for our political crisis. That's why I'm here.

Course Purpose:

In "Facilitation and Conflict Transformation," you'll learn to embrace conflict with comfort, calm, and curiosity. You'll unlock the secrets of transforming diverse perspectives into powerful collective intelligence.
But this course is more than tools; it offers lifelong skills to enhance all your relationships . These skills are the key to becoming a respected leader, especially in turbulent political times.
Across six modules, we'll explore conflict from every angle, from individual to interpersonal to collective decision-making.

Lesson: Power - Rights & Interests

We've resolved disputes using power, rights, and interests. Power and rights create winners and losers, fostering hierarchy and competition. Interests, however, focus on why people want something, fostering collaboration and problem-solving.
Interest-based processes are win/win games that address conflicts at their systemic source, promoting continuous adaptation and personal change.

Transition Hook:

Can our political system transform itself without the ability to communicate and collaborate across differences? Our world needs individuals who can bridge divides and showcase the strength in diversity.

Overall Transformation Summary:

Our political leaders are in a destructive fight, and we can't let our differences hold us back any longer. It's time for us to take control and navigate the path forward.
This course will empower you, moving you from helplessness to the driver's seat. You'll become the respected leader our nation needs right now.
I believe in the United Independents' project, and I trust that you are the leaders who will guide us toward a future that benefits us all. The journey won't be easy, but it doesn't have to be painful.

Is This for You?

This course is for you if you're tired of superficial discussions and ready to delve into complex issues. It's for those who want to transcend political partisanship and guide their communities toward an all-win future.
It's for those who seek to understand the dysfunction in our political landscape and are willing to consider different perspectives.
This course isn't for you if you think you've got it all figured out or don't value others' perspectives.

Objection Response

Some might dismiss this course as merely teaching "soft skills." However, soft skills are hard-won and vital. Most problems require communication across differences, something we often struggle with. Developing these skills is essential for making sustainable and mutually acceptable decisions.
We're stuck, and we need to level up our ability to navigate conflicts together.


The "Facilitation and Conflict Transformation" course is invaluable, offering skills that extend beyond this program. While I typically charge hundreds for this course, United Independents makes it accessible.
With our current crisis in U.S. democracy, we need facilitators and conflict resolution experts to heal our nation. I can't do this alone, and I hope you'll join me.
With the current crisis in U.S. democracy and political culture, we are immersed in the biggest and most important conflict in history.
I want to work with the next generation of facilitators and conflict resolutionaries who are ready to support the healing of our democracy, because I can't do this alone. This is a team effort, and I hope you will join me.


If you believe this course is for you, mark the first session on your calendar now (Oct 5 at 4:30pm PT/7:30 ET). Follow my work by subscribing at Let's transform conflict into an engine of positive change together.
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