Module 2

Conflict Cycle

Communication cycle
P1 speaks
P2 observes what P1 did
P2 has feelings
P2 interprets p1's behavior
assigns meaning to what they observe
decides how to respond
P2 responds with some observable behavior
P1 observes, feels, interprets and reacts.
P2 observes, feels, interprets and reacts.

Conflict cycle
P1 speaks (provocatively)
P2 hears what P1 said
P2 feels surprised and angry
P2 interprets P1's behavior
believes that the statement was said with intention to harm
decides to respond by returning the the attack
P2 responds by restating the provocative statement in a way the targets P1
P1 observes P2 approaching and yelling vicious statements, feels terrified, interprets it as a pent up attack and and reacts.
P2 observes, feels, interprets and reacts.

Q: Where did the conflict begin?
A: between interpreting and responding.

Q Why here?
A: At that point it's possible to redirect the cycle away from conflict by
Assuming best intentions: Maybe they misspoke or you misheard → giving the person a chance to restate what they said.
Interpreting the words or behavior in a new way
Having a bad day
Taking something out on you that's not about you
→ respond with concern
interpreting it as an attack but choosing to break the cycle by responding nonviolently
Restate what they said, get curious about what they meant, ask questions.
Tell them that you are willing to talk but not fight and see if they will agree to that.
Make a boundary (tell them what you'll do if they say that again).
What else?

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