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Product Case - Audio App

The Brief
We’ve been making inroads into businesses with large in-house call centers’ (e.g. airlines, service companies). We’ve learned that they often lose candidates between our Chat Interview and their in-person interview. The only reason in many cases for an in-person interview is to assess the call centre candidates for their English fluency and diction for phone conversations. We would like to trial an audio question with a couple of interested clients, get their feedback, and see the impact on candidate experience before deciding whether to roll it out to everyone.
The goal of the audio question is to capture a short sample of the applicant’s speech, so that our customers can take fluency and diction into account before progressing the candidate.
As Product Owner of the newly formed “Chat Interview” team, we’d like you to refine the requirements and translate them into stories for the Engineers to start picking up.
Product Background
Our Chat Interview is completely customizable. Every role for every customer is a unique interview experience. We have 3 main question types: Free Text Questions, Multiple Choice Questions, and Sliders. The Text Statements in the pre-amble and post-amble are also custom to each customer and role.
The candidates’ answers to these questions are shown in-system as a one-page report for the recruiter and hiring manager to review. Toolset
Please set up a free Jira account (), project, and board to house your tickets
What we’re interested in
1. Ability to translate a solution direction to the Engineering team
a. Story breakdown
b. Story depth
2. Approach to product prioritization and delivery
a. How do you decide what stories to write
b. How do you prioritize the stories you have
What we’re not assessing
Design: No need to mock anything up for this example
Research: an important skill, but out of scope for this exercise

To recruit the best candidates for the positions in the most efficient manner
It is already an established chat interview app with the below features:
Candidates have the ability to take the interview anytime of the day, in their own time.
There is no fixed time limit to complete the chat interview or in one go.
Candidates have the ability exit and resume the chat interview n number of times.
The chat interview is an AI based intelligent app which sends feedback to candidates on their performance after they’ve submitted the test.
The chat interview is an AI based intelligent app which gives scores to the candidates based on their performance.
Recruiters are able to view all the candidates in a list format showing the name of the candidate, score by the app, and the summary report for that candidate.
Recruiters are able to sort the candidates based on the score by the app.
Recruiters are able to customize the chat interview questions, including adding multiple audio questions, as per the role

Prioritization Strategy:
In the section below, I have identified 3 personas and 1 anti-persona for the roles ‘Interviewee’ and ‘Interviewer’.
However, for the MVP, the focus is only on the first persona from both roles so that we can get feedback on end-to-end user flow and enhance the functionality in future releases or pivot accordingly.
The user stories from 1-10 are MVP user stories (Section 1) catering to the first persona for both roles.
To cater to other personas, please refer to the additional features in ‘Section 2’ that will be released in future versions.
Persona - Interviewee
Fear / Frustration / Anxiety
Need / Hope / Dream
Calm Cathy (Been through interviews before)
She might not be able to understand what she needs to do and the app is confusing;
Something that is easy to use; Helps her to put her best foot forward;
Scared Sam (Newcomer, a graduate, no prior experience)
That he may not know how to properly use the app; Understanding the question that is being asked and concerned about responding in a timely manner;
Helps him to put his fear and anxiety at bay so that he can put his best foot forward; Gets him to the in-person interview
Busy Brian (already has a job, wants a salary hike)
Needs fewer steps in the overall process; Doesn’t want to spend time in looking for instructions and samples;
Wants clear and evident instructions, get through the interview process as quickly as he can; Doesn’t waste his time;
Interviewer Ivy
Errors in the recordings;
Organize and get through large volume of recordings;
Eager Emi (Anti-persona)
Doesn’t trust online assessments and would rather go for an human interview
Prefers talking to a person rather than a machine;
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FOR companies who want to process a high volume of candidates
The audio app is a tool that allows interviewers to scale and standardize hiring

Unlike existing process which is to hire more people and subjectively documenting ability
This audio app Is focused on providing a comprehensive understanding of the interviewee’s abilities

Every interviewee will be asked a series of 5 questions that they need to answer in their own voice. The Interviewer has the ability to change the set of questions over time/.
It is not mandatory for interviewee’s to submit an audio sample
Audio App Roadmap
Interviewee Onboarding
Tutorials / Demo videos, Get Started guide; Visualization of steps
Create test recording and preview before Submitting; Receive confirmation;
Discover how recording can be made easier;
Workflow well crafted
Recording are available and can be played back
Attach your resume and cover letter with the audio sample;
Reminders for recording that are in draft/incomplete; Haven’t been uploaded
Organize and Share
Declutter and scoring the recording - Tag; Sorting, Search, Delete
Sharing with other members of the team to get their feedback
Discover what other features make organization and sharing simpler
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Audio App - Success Metrics
Every resume that is submitting how many people share an audio recording
CRM / Resume Database
Ratio of Audio sample / Resume Received
Task Success
Recording and Viewing is working
Errors in recording and viewing
90th percentile of the recording playback less than 2s; 95% is 5s; 98% 10s;
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Section 1
MVP User Stories:
User Stories for Interviewee:
Providing a quick Introduction to the user (interviewee) with the details on the new audio question type
As a user of X app who is appearing for the online chat interview
I want a quick introduction prompt at the start of the test informing me about the new question type explaining its details on recording my audio with option of re-recording, average time-limit/duration of the answer, and giving me tips/suggestions on recording clearly at a quiet place
So that I know exactly what’s coming in the test and can decide if I am ready to take the test at that moment.
Providing the audio question to the user (interviewee)
As a user of X app who has received the introduction on the new audio question type
I want the audio interview question displayed with clear details on what is the time-limit on the answer
So that I know exactly for how long I have to speak on the question
Providing the ability to record audio to the user (interviewee)
As a user of X app who has received the audio interview question
I want the ability to record my answer (audio) with the option to take multiple tries by overriding the previous recording
So that I can minimise the chances of making an error while recording my answer
Providing the ability to listen to the audio recording to the user (interviewee)
As a user of X app who has audio recorded the answer
I want the ability to listen to my recording multiple times before submitting
So that I can re-record my answer if I’m not satisfied with it
Providing the ability to submit the recorded audio with confirmation to the user (interviewee)
As a user of X app who has recorded the audio answer and is satisfied with it
I want the ability to submit my audio answer and receive a confirmation message
So that I’m sure that my recording was submitted properly

User Stories for Interviewer:
Ability to access and listen the audio sample of the candidate on the one page summary report
As a user of X app who is assessing the chat interview
I want the ability to access and listen the audio sample of the candidate from the one page report of that candidate
So that I can take the candidate’s language fluency and diction in account with the other answers while assessing the candidate
Ability to listen to the audio sample multiple times
As a user of X app who is assessing the online chat interview
I want the ability to listen to the audio sample of the candidate multiple times
So that I can be sure of my decision for selecting the candidate for the next round
Ability to give a score to the audio sample of the candidate
As a user of X app who is assessing the online chat interview
I want the ability to score (out of 10) the audio sample of the candidate
So that I can sort or compare with other candidates easily
Ability to sort the candidates on the score on audio sample
As a user of X app who is assessing the online chat interview
I want the ability sort the candidates by my score on audio samples
So that I can see the top candidates on audio score and compare it with their other answer’s score by app
Section 2

Release 2 (Non-MVP) User Stories:

User Stories for Interviewee:

Providing an option to view or skip a demo video on new audio question type to the user (interviewee)
As a user of X app who is appearing for the online chat interview
I want an option to view or skip a demo video on the new audio question type
So that I can make the selection as per my time availability and comfort level
Providing a demo video on the new audio question type to the user (interviewee)
As a user of X app who is appearing for the online chat interview and has chosen to see the demo video on audio question type
I want a demo video on the overall steps on how to record and submit my audio with a sample question
So that I am sure of the steps and do not make mistakes, increasing my chances of selection.
Providing the ability to record audio to the user (interviewee)
As a user of X app who has received the audio interview question
I want the ability to audio record my answer and see a timer and receive a warning if I’ve exceeded the time-limit on the answer
So that I can minimize the chances of making an error while recording my answer to the asked question

User Stories for Interviewee:

Ability to write and save notes for each candidates’ performance
As a user of X app who is assessing the candidate’ audio sample and one-page report
I want the ability to write and save my notes on each candidate
So that I or another recruiter/hiring manager can see it for future and can save time
Ability to see audio score and notes in list-view
As a user of X app who is assessing the chat interview
I want the ability to view all candidates in a list format showing my score on audio, my notes with the name of the candidate, and app score.
So that I or another recruiter/hiring manager can see it for future and can save time

Demo Steps Link
Demo Video Link
Providing an option to the user to proceed ahead or not with the audio interview question
As a user of X app who is appearing for the online audio interview who has been provided with the introduction already
I want a prompt before the actual interview question asking for my confirmation if I want to proceed with the audio interview question or not
so that I can start the recording when I’m ready and not feel pressured to audio record myself at that moment
and do not make mistakes, increasing my chances of selection.
Hint/Suggestion option
User Ready to Record Prompt
Continue prompt
Save and Exit prompt

Ability to know which audio sample of the candidate
As a user of X app who is assessing the chat interview
I want the ability to save the audio answer of the candidate
So that I can listen to it when I have time

Test Speaker Prompt
Quality Check Rating prompt

Record Audio
Play/Listen Recording
Timer Duration Display
Sound Quality Rating Display

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