1.On home page of the dashboard find the order you want to return
2.On the order, go to the right and click on the eye icon (view order details).
3.Once you’re on the page, click on “Actions" and choose “return order.”
It will create a return order of your initial order.
4.Go back to live orders and you will see the return order as “Return to Origin”
5.Making order ready for collection
When the customer told you that the order is ready to collected, select the order by checking the box to your left and press Ready for collection at the top right corner.
How to replace an order
1. On home page of the dashboard find the order you want to replace
2. On the order, go to the right and click on the eye icon (view order details).
3. Once you’re on the page, click on “Actions" and choose Replace Order.
4. Go back to live orders and you will see the return order as pending.
5. Downloading the label
On the homepage to your right press Download label. Print the label and attach it to your order.
6. Making order ready for collection
When the order is ready to be shipped and the label is attached, select the order by checking the box to your left and press Ready for collection at the top right corner.