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Meeting Documentation

Meeting 1: 18th January (12:45) - Kickoff

Meeting Prep:

Everyone shall read through and take notes on , and the
Team Setup
before the meeting
Put all your prep notes here and read notes of others in advance, so that we don’t waste time in the meeting and can move to the complex points right away

Prep Notes by Person

Generelles Team Setup
Outline the general idea of the desired positioning
Present the tactical OKRs
Discuss focus of week 1 (aka what to start with)
Engage in builders communities with our fake accounts
Indie Hackers, Twitter
Consolidate Twitter insights by Julian Shapiro
see bookmarks Daniel
Check effort of translating existing content from german into english
deconstruct newsletter in order to fill the pipeline of topics that are hot right now in the builders scene
Get ideas for what we could do
Get content ideas
Determine Organisational things:
Be accountable for your contribution to success
When do you want to do the weekly meeting? Keep Monday or other day?
Write your own tasks

Meeting Notes:

What is New Things Development (NTD)?
Split teams in two to achieve OKRs: Sales & Marketing and NTD.
→ NTD's goal is to increase the surface area/visibility/awareness of us.
→ "get loud" & create "brand awareness" (of the buildersdock).
→ Connect our Builders mindset and the Corporate world and operating/positioning in the intersection.
→ Combine the best of both worlds
Builders: hands on mentality + fast iteration + smart solutions to complex problems.
Corporate: economic value + large scale + our insights

long-term goal ≠ sales function! Goal = own product ideas through "community driven insights
short-term goal:
→ Create and establish structures for experiments → How to track them in a meaningful way?
→ Establish & evaluate metrics → Make results visible.
→ Establish in communities → Track activities.
→ Evaluate interactions: Interaction Score
→ Build true friends → Classify readers/recipients → Who receives and how → Who is a long-term audience?
→ Operate in different channels and "develop a feeling for them".
How: → Hypothesis driven work → Decisions should be made based on experiments/results.
→ Split channel tracking: channy salesoutreach, max experiments.
Aufgaben bis zum nächsten Meeting:
Mit Fake Account in der Indie Hackers Community agieren (Verhalten auf die Aktivität testen) + Tracking von Effort und Return
Texte übersetzen
Interviews durchführen

Twitter Setup

Twitter Hustle + Tracking von Effort und Return

Bei Indie Hackers mit eigenem Account agieren + Tracking von Effort und Return

Meetings: Montags → Zeitpunkt folgt

Meeting Results:

We want to position ourselves at the sweet spot of the intersection between builder / makers and the corporate world
Current focus is to engage in the builders community and facilitate as much interactions as possible
Interactions in the end shall help to
a) build an audience
b) get valuable insights that can be leveraged for new ideas
The efforts in this team don’t need to directly link to Sidestream (this is done via Sales & Marketing) → we are free to share our ideas and engage in non salesy interactions with others
We want to establish an experiment driven approach
We want to track our efforts with the correct metrics to facilitate informed decisions on next steps and analyse the impact of the things we do
We decided to
a) Start to interact as much as possible (mainly on Indie Hacker by fake account (Max) and real account (Lukas)
b) Build a baseline understanding of twitter as another valuable metric
And then start interacting there as well
c) dig deeper into the topic of experimentation and start with building an experimentation framework

Meeting 2: 25th January (12:00)

Prep Notes by Person

Daniel: Talked with Nils → a niche where we see alignment between business & tech people at Sidestream might be an open source nocode tool e.g. open source airtable alternative

Meeting Notes:

Ideas Pitch (by Dan)
1. An open source nocode alternative to airtable
2 potential user groups
Devs (that quickly want to work with a database)
Builders (who need a database for their use case and do not have the skills or do not want to spend a lot of time in setting one up)
we can cover both sides of potential users and have the skillset inhouse (developers + product guys / builders)
could use it in projects as well
Main pain point with airtable = it’s bad API (for developers)
Nils was not satisfied with how the airtable API is usable
in daily business from product side we also find flaws within the tool
2. Marketplace for enterprises and builders
Enterprise has a request for a tool they need (internally or externally)
The similar requests of different enteprises (demand side) are pooled together
Matchmaking of enterprise pool with tool request and builder
Benefit for enterprises
Lower costs in comparison to an individual software development

Meeting Results:

Dan & Lukas conduct an indepth session for the relevant topics

Meeting 3: 1st February (12:00)

Prep Notes by Person

Meeting Notes:

Meeting Results:

Meeting 4: 8th February (12:00)

Prep Notes by Person

New Product
Did a lot of research and talks on the airtable alternative see and follow
(only will put structured notes
Next Step: Determine with Nils whether we already want to build an MVP e.g. for the gempex project and maybe by using open source code from competitor (baserow) → see
Nevertheless we need to come up with a realistic best case plan and continue evaluating the most promising use case →
are several suggestions on how to position, but not sure how to get the right early adpters in right now
Commenting experiment failed for me (especially looking at the “ROI” - spent a lot of time reading and wrapping my head around discussions - could only comment few - reactions on my comments resulted in 1 new follower)
Engage more with lower focus on quality?
Just not the right platform?
twitterdeck implemented but could be better, problem → sometimes someone posts a story with 25 posts which messes up the idea behind it
implemented new structure to coda
twitter analytics, stats collected
(Twitter Analytics, Analytics Lukas , Analytics Daniel)
note for myself: PB

Meeting Notes:

Product Idea wrap up (extensive information can be found
Oftentimes up to 80% of current projects can be build in airtable (effort ca 30min)
But: Airtable is lacking some essential features
Especially user management and authorisation concept (who is able to do what)
MVP Idea
Some airtable features
plus user mgmt + auth
User groups
Non dev savvy users are able to build use cases with the tool (see Nocode movement as the meta trend for that)
Developers using the tool (like they do it now with airtable although airtable API is not good)
Additional feature ideas
version control
action logs
It needs to be defined which user group and related use case we want to tackle first
Things that Daniel wants to have covered in the meeting
I don’t feel the 0 to 1 spirit → this has to change immediately
Clear Split of of responsibilities between. buildersdock and new product. Still leverage eachother

Meeting Results:

Dan focuses on strategic product thoughts
Dennis and Lukas do product validation groundwork (tbd)
Twitter engagement is still pursued by Dan and Lukas but not as a team effort

Meeting 5: 15th February (12:00)

Prep Notes by Person

Moving forward the idea to build an MVP while being paid for the gempex project → not super straightforward to do it because this makes gempex significantly more complex → a decision will be made this week
potential blocker: our weak understanding of what a MVP looks like
Collecting ideas for initial distribution
This week I want to focus on structured interviews at least theory, but I won’t have enough time to do more than 1-2 interviews, need support here.
Groundwork (see
for more extensive overview)
Makro learnings (attention: all learnings and hypothesis following are based on a rather small sample size)
response rate and depth of discussion is higher in slack groups (closed communities) than in forums
problems mentioned were understood and shared by others; pitched idea was not fully grasped
Not sure if community / forum approach yields the insights we are seeking → right now I have the impression that it boils down to asynchronous 1on1 conversations (→ could be more insightful to have a 20min talk with that or similar person; interviews?!)
Micro learnings
In enterprise context a solution build on airtable as underlying db may not satisfy the needs for security and flexibility
people oftentimes use third party tools (stackerhq, softr) to build on top of airtable → airtable doesn’t provide the required vertical integration to cover whole use cases
notion and coda tables are used to cover internal processes (e.g. payroll, employee time tracking, project time tracking)
granular user rights management was emphasised as a lacking feature here
Other tools mentioned
see Lukass notes
collection of my responses
those two links were recommended , do they solve our problem:?

Meeting Notes:

Airtable Learnings Summarised
Problems with Airtable were confirmed but noone was thinking about a really dedicated solution?
Feedback on Groundwork → I am still missing the real 0 to 1 spirit when I see things like
We got a reply and havent replied for 2 days → no notifications set?
We get a good reply and don’t ask any follow up question to did deep. E.g thanks for that, what do you particularly like about baserow?
Let’s try to do structured interviews with people who had most insights e.g. Nishkarsh from the indiehacker thread → message them non Twitter etc. and be persistent not just one email if they don’t reply
For interviews:
some smarter way to identify the right people who might be potentially valuable (i don’t know how but has something to do with manual work + filters on Twitter and LinkedIn or the right communities)

Meeting Results:

Create list of competitor products
Make sure that all responses in forums are answered with more questions + be persistent →
followup all the guys in direct messages
Target outreach today to 30 interview partners on LinkedIn → Focus on Operations
Pre-validate profiles + message with team
Tuesday evening revisit with Lukas whether there are already 2-3 people for interviewers
Conduct 2-3 Interviews based on structure
Ahref Competitor Persona Research Main Execution
Linkedin Interview Outreach Part 2
Prep OKR Meeting next week
Make sure that all responses in forums are answered with more questions + be persistent →
followup all the guys in direct messages
Target outreach today to 30 interview partners on LinkedIn → Focus on NoCoder
Pre-validate profiles + message with team
Tuesday evening revisit with Lukas whether there are already 2-3 people for interviewers
Conduct 2-3 Interviews based on structure
Airtable Template Persona Research
Linkedin Interview Outreach Part 2
Prep OKR Meeting next week
Conduct min 1 Interview
Prepare Mom Test manuscript for interviews till tomorrow evening
Ahref Deep Work + give Dennis Guidance
Help with Buildersdock
Figure out Gempex MVP Stuff
Prep OKR Meeting next week

Meeting 6: 22nd February (12:00)

Prep Notes by Person

Meeting Notes:

Meeting Results:

Meeting 7: 1st March (12:00)

Prep Notes by Person

Meeting Notes:

Meeting Results:

Meeting 8: 8th March (12:00)

Prep Notes by Person

New Product
3 Streams: Content Curation (flo), Company Knowledge Base (Lukas), Something for HR (Daniel/Lukas)
Only work on first stream was done, hopefully there will be new infos on the other to by tonight
Content Discovery Problem
Community engagement -
discord group generated a lot of comments
reddit too, but the users were very careful whether it could be market research/ a product pitch
One Pager with form (created with )

Meeting Notes:

finding right content:
→ hot topic: comments and tools implement that there is a need - the question is: how can we make it profitabel
→ Streams for Research:
Discord: Factual feedback
Twitter & Indie Hackers: less response/resonance
Reddit: catching marketing research --> subreddit rules must be respected (effort)
Other Products: Lukas has some calls → focus is placed after the talks

Meeting Results:

product focus: finding right content → wait for the results of the phone call
focus on comments → validating product requirements → is there a way to earn money?

Meeting 9: 15th March (12:00)

Prep Notes by Person

Content Discovery Problem
Community Engagement:
Obsidian Forum post generated 17 comments & 428 views
digressed from the subject(the question I asked)
Research of Products on the market:
Edited LandingPage:
How to continue from here?
Airtable: Post from Baserow got quite a lot of traction on hackernews:
Recruitment Tool
Conversation with head of recruiting
high market demand for pre qualified (or even non qualified) applications
chance that we can already offer our pipeline approach as productized service
will have another conversation to understand potential pricing and discuss next steps
Engineering knowledge mgmt tool
Initial call with contact person was positive in the way that there is interest to take the joint product approach
Next steps: Contact person is going to schedule interviews with other engineering teams → goal for us: understand the problem space

Meeting Notes:

Core outcome of the meeting is the agreement to build more systems (similar to the recruitment pipeline) for our efforts with regard to product

Meeting Results:

Find lean but “builders” like way to generate images for our blog posts (e.g. AI generated images based on text input)
(Eventually) pick up NFT topic if considered worthy by Dan
Consolidate community learnings for major platforms (Reddit, Indiehackers etc.)
Create platform specific accounts that can be used for further actions (consider platform specifics)
Investigate opportunity to drive growth via NFT

Meeting 10: 22nd March (12:00)

Prep Notes by Person

New Idea based on ProCon from gempex: Go into the project controlling space with an own SaaS Solution
Demand seems to be there (I am sure a lot of services business have selfmade soltuions)
large market
a lot of old school competition
we understand services business quite well,
gempex as potential pilot customer/maybe even chance to crossfinance development with a custom solution for them
I expect a high willingness to pay as project controlling is the core tool for service businesses
High lock in effect makes switching to better alternative (our product) tough
Needs are probably quite heterogenous
Not clear whether one can get in with a lean MVP, as many might expect the “eierlegende wollmilchsau” right away
Starting niche not clear (yet)
Interest? Is that actually exciting or dry?
Other idea: Brainstorm more “spin off” use cases with ralf and gempex - I am sure there are many cases with a lot of potential (some ideas are in the initial report). Meta trends to leverage here:
Biotech is growing in general and gempex is leading GMP provider
Gempex has a lot of paper-based knowhow that is super valuable in the growing Biotech market → there must be several oppertunities for Machine Learning and maybe even Blockchain use cases - just need to tie together the right things
Next discussion with recruitment contact person - see notes here:
Idea for different service Tiers
Next step: Testing the service in pilot projects
Contact person in watching out her network for pilot customers
Content Curation
tried out
not that useful in free version
Leo → their AI research assistant
should filter out noise and prioritize important pages
waiting for onboarding meeting with Account Manager
‘Feedly for Builders’ - Lukas
created another
Text To Image
Application Deadline: 31st of March
Takes place on 16th - 18th of April
48h challenge to develop a real-world business case involving AI
Business Model Canvas
First prototype with GPT-3 usage
sign up as participant/company
did some with different Converters(mostly created by random users)
sent a request to OpenAI waiting list
, if somebody knows something about the DALL-E Beta access
Open AI is considering to make it ‘semi open like GPT-3’ see
sanitizing the data could be a problem for OpenAI (e.g. blenderbot facebook(offensive/racist language))

Meeting Notes:

Recruitement Pipeline
Talk with Berit Vidar
Pricing: UpFrontfee / Placement Fee
Consulting Setup → Reverse Engineering
better give more value than necessary → budgets get moved to us
ContentCuration: matter Zugriff bekommen
gempex: nextLevel Idea?(Tesla Super factory)

Meeting Results:

Email pitch Recruitment USPs
Michael Löeffler reach out due to potential product ideas
Try out matter
Landingpage (feedly for builders)
link meetings to topics in coda
apply at makeathon

Meeting 11: 29th March (12:00)

Prep Notes by Person

New Case: Hybrid Workday - SAP Tool → clear value add and clear distribution (with or without Michael Loeffler)
Recruitment: I would say that if we don’t get a clear next step this week, we just ask other people, I think it is also an easy distribution case
Content Curation: Don’t find the right perspective right now - even Matter is like a marathon till they know if it is a business (we cannot make as many bets as YC) - what do you think?
Content curation: Reflected on my content curation process; personally I can distill my content curation to one major channel: Referrals by trusted persons - this can come in different forms
Newsletter I already subscribed to is referring to other articles
Persons I know personally do refer a certain article or newesletter
Persons I respect (e.g. on twitter) refer content
→ Underlying factor: A lot of trust in the curator → very hard for us to build something where we would need to establish a lot of trust
Personio Marketplace idea mentioned at some point last week still interesting to me
Content Curation:
Feedly Leo Tryout:
put favorite sources onto one feed
→curate them by keywords/companies/release dates etc.
uses machine learning and NLP to filter out
u could also mute/ say Leo to show less like this
Matter tryout
very clean look
you can follow your favorite writers/newsletters(also paid ones)
highlight passages(private or public), comment passages, repost articles
audio function
Integration to Readwise
maybe more following
you can follow each others
Project Controlling

Meeting Notes:

Content Curation
high trusted sources are used
will be defocused for now
Recruitement as a service
wollen traction builden
clean Integration could be a piggy bank solution
wer ist größter player auf personio?
Personio vs. workday
Hypothese: kann man workday über Personio market place vertreiben?
current tools may be outdated
PDF Editor
Discovery Problem?
could be a distribution problem as well
many cases
eher b2b case → sending/receiving documents to/from an applicant
Call mit Michael Löffler
workday <-> payroll Schnittstelle
Intro bei Deloitte

Meeting Results:

research of Personio market place
who is the biggest player here?

Meeting 12: 12th April (12:00)

Prep Notes by Person:

Started Looking Into “Marketplaces”
started with Flos Personio Research → only existing tools offering intergrations (vs. we are looking to go plattform first)
Looked into - telekom guys are the only one that are offering yet (we know those guys from sidestream sales). Besides that the marketplace is still very early stage. We need to figure out whether this will become a priority for them (messaged cpo of staffbase but dont know if i get reply). Generally I am also not sure how big this is, so whether staffbase is worth it.
roadmap telekom: https://employee-experience-store.com/plugins/roadmap/
Started looking at MS Teams “Marketplace” → given all the Mittelstands Adapdation of MS Teams, this might be a thing.
Important to look at Teams/Slack-first products (so not stuff that just intergrates with it) like
They are quite hard to find
Unmet needs are generally hard to identifty here
I think there is some potential to look at tools/categories with bad reviews
Offer MS Teams Software development services (google ads) and see what kind of requests come
Linkedin outreach to MS Teams users and ask them for Plugins (credits to Lukas, he proposed the same for Personio users)
Started Looking a bit deeper into market intelligence tools
Idea is: See trends early on (through search requets etc.) and have a easier system to validate more bets in parallel (find a relevant trends, put local search ads + landing page in a few hours) see whether demand picks up)
Basically we spend less time on researching demanded things and more time on validating demanded things for us
Sources for market intelligence
Trends by the Hustle (have a 7 day trial till 18th April) pw: Br*NSCiuC6NQ
(1 dollar 2 weeks trial) → Focuses on Topics + See differences according to Treendly founder → actually from the founder of Backlinko a famous (slightly) spammy SEO website
Some insights from its founder
How to use it for new businesses: It depends a little bit on what the trend is because when you find a trend, the next step is, who is searching for this? Who is interested in this and where do they hang out online? And what platform do they prefer to talk about this topic and learn about this topic?
(ca. 250 dollar per year)
(free, not super useful, watch out for right geo)
→ start free (but small thing maybe)
(also good to understand limitations of exploding topics
Ability to monitor a keyword/topic over time. As a user, you can receive daily, weekly and monthly email alerts.
Secondly, you can search a keyword/topic in any country and what you search stays private to you so that you can build your own private library of trends.
Thirdly, each trend has so many related topics that we find by querying Google, Amazon, YouTube, etc that you can dive into.

Other ideas
Look at cases where less technical people try to do technical things (in less technical industries, where the have knowhow) → under some circumstances (knowing what to do, but distribution easy anyways) that might be code cases to purse
Handelsregister Crawler
thoughts based on Flo's research:
all current third party integrations seem to be standolone prodcuts that use personio integration as another sales channel
up until now no personio native integration developed by third party
Since marketplace is still in beta (or released this week) there is still the chance to be early
Flying over the already exisiting integrations it seems that there is already quite a lot of integrations for the obvious cases (e.g. recruitment or time tracking)

Personio marketplace research
Personio wants to strengthen their focus on the marketplace see
rough proceeding plan on how to approach on new product ideas
will grow by time
steps are not fixed

Meeting Notes:

Meeting Results:


Reach out to Personio contact and ask for intro to PM (from VLOG) in order to better understand their marketplace plans (Lukas)

Dan has reached out to CPO and asked for their plugin game → wait for answer and act upon it (Dan)

MS Teams:
G2 Research (investigating tool categories with rather bad reviews) (Flo)
Community research (internationally: value to build native MS Teams plugins; german market: ask for concrete needs) → lean approach (Flo)
LinkedIn Outreach
Understand which companies are using teams (Dan, Lukas)
Understand which persona to tackle (contact persons) (Dan, Lukas)
Build sidestream landingpage to offer custom teams plugin creation
Do keyword research to evaluate whether it makes sense to work with Google Ads to drive landingpage engagmenet (Dan)

Market Intelligence:

General idea: We need to come up with more ideas more quickly
Goal: Evaluate sidestream fit for pre-identified trends
Research based on reports:
Do a trends by the hustle research and identify sidestream relevant topics (Flo) (after trends by the hustle, we look at exploding topics, glimps)

“Steal” ideas from others industry experts - idea
Use old company of Jacqueline as first investigation and understand what they are doing → inquire Jacqueline afterwards to doublecheck quality of research based on publicly available information (Lukas)

Meeting 13: 15th April (09:30)

Meeting Notes:

MS Teams Research:
Hard to target relevant persons via LinkedIn

Meeting Results:

Check MS Teams uservoice

Meeting 14: 19th April (12:00)

Prep notes by person

Crypto is hard for newbies
In forums/ discord groups the language is hard to understand for people who are not that deep into the crypto universe
There is a → worth to take a look at for product ideas in the crypto universe?
New Ideas collected
Next step could be a reddit deep dive to unbundle subreddits for product ideas
Research on open source Carrd alternative
No much out there at the intersection NoCode and Open Source
Guy who was doing this (approached via twitter) said it was hard technically and did not get early traction
Should we try to deconstruct Product Hunt for us a little bit more
Fresh Thoughts based on the following article
Again a little bit more bullish on Product Hunt
Thinking about ways to leverage this platform a little bit more
engage in the community and understand better how it is working
watch out for nice product ideas and try to deconstruct what they are doing well or can be improved
draw some early learnings on what gets traction on PHunt and what not → Why
Built → could use this as a bet that we take a bit more downstream (get some tractions/sign ups).
Early Learnings:
Good to have an “indusry expert on board” → my gf is a teacher, it gives confidence to validate a lot of positioning and also copy things with an expert early on
Using Carrd: It does the job, but certainly need to Pro Plan → fair learning curve, first LP took me 3 hours (Carrd) + 3 hours (Concept + Text) → 2nd one will only take 1.5 hour Carrd
Open Source Carrd: Not too confident, Carrd is not great, but does already a good job, abstracting away a lot fo complexity → not something we can do better in a few weeks
It still could be a good product if we could combine it with something like components for an MVP, but the problem is probably that they won’t allow it
Should we try out another market intelligence tool?
→ I can forward probably all free emails of last 2 years or so

Meeting Results:

Check the research on Generalist for interesting ideas (Lukas, Dan)
Move innovaty one step further (facebook ads) → (Wed, Dan + Flo)
Closer look on the crypto research (Dan)
Take global ideas to Germany
A16z - What do they do with crypto?
Investigate mechanics of Product Hunt (Flo, Lukas)
Forward glimpse Mails(Dan)
Check them(Flo)

Meeting 15: 22nd April(11:00)

Prep notes by person

Posted in several communities; see
It is not liked by the users of ‘Family-communities’ to post advertisement on there → will be deleted after a few minutes/hours; BUT it generated the highest traffic (5 individual users in 1/2 hour)
And they will comment(RAGE)
The facebook groups did not generate that much traffic(1 clicks after 1 day)
Product Hunt
Created a on there.
Went through some ideas and collected them at
Takes much more time to find ideas than using market intelligence tools
You have to look onto which subreddit is trending
90days trends list is full of nsfw content
Not able to look in the past(just 24h trends)
Collected a few subreddits at but did not come up with an idea yet

Meeting results

Meeting 16: 3rd May(12:00)

Prep notes by person

Answer by dru riley
linked to his community
Also showed relevance and generated a lot of traffic
“There is no all in one solution”
Side learnings:
Information overload is a thing
Recent post about this topic got like 20 comments
Pointed out what they are missing and about not having a solution
Do you know ?
Mentioned → article to audio
Maybe picking up again?
Documented blockers for going through the
I am not sure what a product idea could look like on here
But its definitely tomatoes
Fire TV Stick/ Chromecast Apple TV App?
Everybody connects their mobile device and can join a sports game?
Something like
, but better?
A Minecraft world/server, where you have to solve mathematical questions to unlock new items/levels?
A game like app, that tracks your step and you unlock vouchers for Lieferando?
Fitness tracking for VR devices
There is already
A Moodle gaming plugin?
read more
Gamify Google Meets, Zoom calls, etc.?
→ Turns student progress into a game with levels and rewards that teachers can choose or personalize
→ Provides over 40 free templates for teachers to create interactive lessons for students
→ Utilize pre-made quizzes or create their own
Child growth niche got the most traffic → corona might be the reason why vacation niche isn’t highly requested at the moment
Came across and liked the idea
Make a single photo each day(takes like 10 seconds) → a video generated each month/each year
Random Ideas
→ social platform where you get paid for being helpful
WBS criteria
→ Twitch for education
What’s the Status with Drag & Drop presentations: Did you show Max the alternatives you found? Does he still see a gap?


Meeting results

2nd Shot Unbundling Reddit
Staffbase Session mit Daniel
Search more API provider, SDAX, MDAX, TecDAX Lists and contact them
Look into Memory Cloud Details
Staffbase Session mit Lukas

Meeting 17: 4th May(15:30)

Prep notes by person


Meeting notes

API Pitch to eventim?
Manuell 2-3 Leute anfragen

New Ideas:
Slack bot, welcher einen daran erinnert, wenn neue Idee eingefügt wird

Lukas Staffbase
Über Staffbase —> was sind die größten Kunden?
Mitarbeiter von diesen Firmen anschreiben ‚was hätten Sie denn gerne in Ihrer internal App?‘
Interesting parts of Brainstorming für Plugins at
Standalone + Plugin für company communication tools
Internal Leaderboard aspect
Planetly for internal

Ideas during Meetup
Was ist die Future of corporate Elearning in communication apps
Was trended gerade standalone in Elearning?
Abgespeckt version (wenig effort)
Something about personal branding innerhalb einer Company
Internal branding:
Show that your an expert in Excel/Coda, etc.

Search through Ahrefs
Channy is an expert here
Keyword Explorer
Google ads manager

Meeting results

Find out communication tools of HelloFresh & Zalando & Telekom
Whats already there for internal employee competition → Intranet gamification
Create a Slack Bot for reviewing new ideas?
Do a research on internal Trivia tools
Standalone + Plugin für company communication tools?

Meeting 18: 6th May(10:00)

Meeting Notes

Daniel hat staffbase Podcast gehört
Schon ganz anderer Bereich
Internal communication comms
Großes Department in größeren Companies
CEO Podcast gibts schon
Das wichtigste tool im deutschsprachigen Raum ist der Kantine Speiseplan
—> nach Podcast: greifbarer, was das für ein game ist
Es geht darum möglichst einfach den Leuten etwas bereitzustellen

Watercooler Trivia
Ein developer, der das am Wochenende macht
Different tiers
Distribution channels:
1. friends
Dann bottom up
Dann podcast
Standard channels(SEO + pr)
Featured in fast company article
Viel Potential in asynchronous quizzing
Man spricht mit Mitarbeitern drüber, Bob was richtig ist
Extrem ops heavy
Am Anfang viel Fragenfindung
Macht das full-time seit june 2020
Davor ende seit Ende 2019 nebenbei

Meeting Results

Dan/Lukas: guy von Staffbase einen pitch geben
sports buddy
Flo: Marketplaces von Coyo, Staffbase, etc. anschauen
Welche Arten von Plugins gibt es?
Plugins die einfach andocken
Plugins von der company selbst geschrieben
Custom nur für die company

Meeting 19: 10th May(12:00)

Prep notes by person

posted sth. related to
Twitter thread tool
Idea validation tool?
Like its done at
Buttons for:
would use it
would pay for this
would help to build
would invest in this
Carbon Offset Plugins/ Tools
→ Customers now have the option to balance the carbon footprint of their order
→ Calculates the total emissions generated by your shipped orders → becomes monthly Offset cost
→ Customers now have the option to balance the carbon footprint of their order
→ Independent from eCommerce store → 2,000+ eCommerce partners
→ 1€ fee for every team member
→ Independent carbon offset payment
Flo should take over Staffbase-like reach out

Meeting notes

Meeting results

Staffbase Outreach:
Filter flo's list
All European companies
Start broader outreach (Flo)

API Idea:
Investigate from Dev Perspective (Dan)

Consider using Toolbox as Product / Service

Meeting 20: 20th May(13:00)

Prep notes by person

Staffbase plugin ideas
Product Hunt
→ Product trends discovery and search (ProductHunt)
Pretty expensive as I think($55/month in minimal version)
Facebook market place got very big recently
Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-17 um 08.07.03.png
→ another community platform
Figma Plugins
Learning plugin for Figma:
Design system for Figma:
→ talk and collaborate together → code together
Listened to 5-10 episodes
Not THE idea source
“Split-testing SaaS Pricing with Ben Orenstein”
→ automatically read out the analytics events
someone gave a rating
someone signed in
someone had a call
→ use it as background noise
Peleton live classes but for doing pomodoros for work
Sign in for 9am class
Everyone is working
Someone says “25 minutes of working”
Someone “says 5 minute stretching”
Someone goes “25 minutes of working” again
Will have a call with the CPO of
→ At the moment our requirement is to integrate 3rd party platforms as addons on our platform. I understand this is not something you are able to do. Is that correct?
Tough play right now
Staffbase no reply, other plattforms still sceptical
Developer Tools, nothing striking yet, will go with Nils through list
Considering to move into Crypto, reasaning known

Meeting notes

Meeting results

Meeting 21: th May()

Prep notes by person

Content curation will be done by Twitter’s premium feature:
Twitter is working on a new premium subscription option that will include the ability to unsend tweets, allow users to save their favourite tweets, and promote clutter-free newsfeeds
Coyo - Next steps
Decide which demanded topic is meeting our field of interest
LinkedIN (hier haben schon was vorgebaut auf AWS Basis, solltet ihr euch anschauen)
Personio ( Würden wir wahrscheinlich sogar selber nutzen)
Ein Tippspiel zur Bundesliga oder ein ähnlicher gamification Ansatz.
Discuss about the pricing? Since you where a little skeptical
Setup a next call with Christian Ebel to talk about use cases
Broken link
Search for an alternative
Layer 2? Focus on Polygon & Optimism?
Should we message the guys directly via LinkedIn?
Since the guys from Maker and i assume in general in the guys in the crypto space are very open to talk to everyone → That could be an easy way to go

Meeting results

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