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General info

There are subreddits for trending subreddits →
And you can see subreddit metrics on or growth tracking on
Taking a much longer time to find product ideas than with market intelligence tools like , , or
Links to find Ideas at:

Guide to unbundling reddit

Step 1: Find a Subreddit
Fast growth
~40% or more in the last 6 month
Big amount of subscribers
You have a competitive advantage
You are passionate about it
Step 2: Join the Subreddit
Step 3: See what they want
Step 4: Create a Closer Space for Communication
Step 5: Build Something for Them
Step 6: Build on Top of What You Built


There is only a list for new subreddits and their growth in the last 90 days
Here you cant filter out the nsfw subreddits
90days list is full with nsfw content
Longer ranged statistics only visible for a subreddit on single view
Only 24h growth ratings
Many of trending subreddits are about nsfw content


Add new idea
Ideas & Interesting stuff from Reddit

Unbundling Approach 2.0

Step 1: Finding an adequate subreddit

Entry point 1: - Research
Go through the list of fastest growing subreddits of last 30 days → check whether a topic relates with our expertise
a lot of noice due to mix of NSFW and SFW content
growth metric based on actual subscriber increase and not based on relative growth
time consuming to go through the list
30 day time span reduces risk for one day fads and reduces some noice
Entry point 2: - Research
Go trough list of subreddits with highest growth in last 24 hours → check whether a topic relates with our expertise
24h timespan is not adequate → needs daily checking and includes events (e.g. nba game)
loosing slowly growing niches
Relative growth metric instead of absolute subscriber figures
Filter on SFW subreddits only possible
Once a subreddit is selected for further analysis provides all relevant information
Check whether 50k Subscriber benchmark is met
Approximate growth over last 6 months via milestones (easy to quickly compute the growth rate) and check whether 6 month growth >= 40%
Entry point 1 and entry point 2 are not straight forward → finding a good subreddit rather based on luck than systematic procedure
Different approach how reddit can be used
Idea is generated via another channel
Search for adequate subreddit here:
Check subreddit’s growth via
If metrics look good (ie. 40% growth rate in last month + at least 40k subscribers) → use it as exploration channels and get back to for steps 2 + 3

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