Recruitment as a service

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Meeting Notes

Meeting with Berit Vidar (19.03.2021)

Agreed that it is good to double down on a specific recruitment use case in the first place: Developer recruitment
Elaborated that for now it will be a productised service where we leverage our established and tested process in order to generate applicant leads for potential clients
It won’t be a SAAS like service that we are going to offer
Experience for the customer: They give us information on the target profile (e.g. with some example profiles) and in return receive leads; the process that is running on our side is a black box for them → assumption: As long as they receive good leads this is fine
Initial tier model on potential deliverables of our process
Tier 1
CV of developer leads that are open for a new position
Additionally some metadata on the applicant
Salary expectation
Geography focus (or remote only constraint)
Important Note: No need in this tier that leads already show interest in the client company (=our customer)
Tier 2
All of tier 1 criteria
Verified interest in the client company (=our customer)
Pre categorisation and classification of leads from our side
Tier 3
All of tier 2 criteria
Actual quality check on the leads from our side (assumption: coding challenge; talk with Dan & Nils)
Thoughts on Pricing (2 component approach)
First pricing component = Up front fee
It is common industry standard in the recruitment game to request an up front fee for the leads (3000 - 5000 EUR)
No matter if the leads are actually hired or not
Rationale behind: The client receiving these leads has CV and metadata as assets they can store in their ATS (Applicant tracking system) and my come back to at a later point in time (→ there is no free lunch that’s why one can already collect such an upfront fee)
Second pricing component = Placement fee
Industry standard to request a placement fee in the range between 20 to 30 % of the annual gross salary
placement fee also needs to be coupled with a time component (usually stays active up until 1 year after lead provision to the client)

Misc thoughts
Need to take DSGVO topics into consideration in our service
Need to establish a mechanism that checks for placements

Next Steps

We provide an overview (orally or as slideshow) on how our process works
Berit is looking for contacts to run a first pilot (will get back in KW 13)
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