is something I look at weekly. Yesterday, he published a short piece on KFC running out of chicken a few years ago and they bounced back.
More than the incident, it’s a good reminder that how we tackle our comebacks is everything. It’s these make and break situations which makes the BEST shine :)
Few lines that caught my eye
When your company’s main product is fried chicken, running out of chicken is quite possibly the biggest crisis you can have. ......
Considering that KFC’s word of mouth more than tripled during the same period, the brand is likely to have benefited from the crisis. Think about it for a moment: they were able to turn around a failure in their supply chain into something that resulted in a net positive for their brand.
Whether it’s at the scale of a Billion dollar business or at the level of an individual investor, the ability to identify opportunities during a crisis is one of the most critical skills that one can have. It helps in navigating stormy scenarios and emerging unscathed on the other side.
YouTube and TikTok Creators Are Tearing Up Netflix’s Streaming Rulebook
I love a good startup story. Netflix has one of the best in the business, especially in area which was dominated by established players. Netflix story for a long time was quoted in the consulting strategy presentations and in every Startup-success book.
of its long-term view that “streaming entertainment is replacing linear TV.” This has always been an elegant vision—the cable bundle is expensive, it isn’t portable across devices and it requires a clunky remote control. The internet, meanwhile, enables on-demand, personalized streaming of TV series and movies on any screen. So the streaming service that best fits and evolves with this new paradigm will
But the article goes onto writing about How creators are churning a quality stream of video and have a fan following that anyone would wish for. And they are making millions along the way (some in Billions) plus eating away the viewing time for Netflix.
Definitely the next story to be written in 2030’s is how Netflix reacted to this issues and whether it survived/thrived or died like the others a decade ago.