Look through the materials provided to students for the lesson. Spend 5-7 minutes talking about, explaining, asking questions and introducing materials (aka vocabulary) to students. Make sure they now understand how to use it.
▶️ Spend more time on this part if necessary
▶️ You goal is to make students realize that they actually learned something today
▫ What kinds of discrimination exist in your country?
▫ Is criticizing a different culture the same as being racist?
▫ If someone tells a racist or sexist joke, how do you react? If you laugh, does that mean you are racist or sexist?
▫ Who suffers more discrimination on the basis of age? Old people or young people?
▫ Is the level of discrimination in the world rising or dropping? What makes you think so?
▫ Which is more important when raising a child, nature (biology) or nurture (family, love, care, etc.)? Why do you think so?
▫ Despite their differences, people are basically the same.
▫ Women are on average paid less than men for doing the same job.
▫ Discrimination is a public health issue.
▫ All forms of discrimination are equally bad.
▫ Being discriminatory in the sense of making a considered choice between one person and another, based on relevant matters, is perfectly in order.
▫ It is not discrimination to treat different things differently.
Spend 5-7 minutes discussing the mistakes people made. Give good and bad examples of how the vocabulary you discussed in the beginning was used during the lesson.