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If selected from the ballot🗳 to join the local militia there was a cost.
Obviously, if there was civil unrest the Militia would be required to provide force and remove the threat and being local would likely mean disciplining neighbours and friends.
The commitment to the local militia was three years. In those three years 20 days each year for drills.
Twenty days a year meant the selected men could not work or earn income for their families. The country had recently had unrest due to the Jacobite Rebellion and the paid army was fighting overseas.
Many households lived by a hand to mouth existence and losing up to 20 days of income from their trade, time on a farm etc. was deemed too much of a commitment by the population of Hexham, hence they protested.
Would you have protested on the 9th of March?
Would you have protested on the 9th of March?
Would you have protested on 9th March?
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Would you have protested on 9th March?

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Medical Knowledge [Dodd Room]

Hunting for absconders [Lift]

Hunting for absconders [Lift]

Why demand a militia? [Dodd Room]

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