Event Name and Coordinator
This will automatically populate the event name and coordinator throughout the template.
Event Start and End Dates
Setting these dates will automatically fill all the event dates for use throughout the template in various locations.
RSVP Deadline
This will set the RSVP Deadline, which is displayed in various locations through the template.
The Event Slack channel which is referenced throughout the template.
Event Days
This will most likely automatically update, but you can add/remove event days if your event schedule is longer or shorter than 4 days.
You can set up Departure and Arrival Airports, which will be referenced in tables and formulas such as in the RSVP Forms, Shuttle schedules, Hotel bookings, etc.
Shuttle Schedule
You can update the shuttle schedule, which will then be used to organize passengers and recommend a shuttle based on individual flight schedules.
Focus and Functional Area Breakouts
You can set up your breakout sessions here. You can manage your breakout sessions and attendees in