Percentage of health workforce working in hospitals
Sectoral workforce composition
Module 8 - Skill-mix composition for models of care
Health workforce working in hospitals
All health workforce headcounts
Ratio of health workers working in hospital.
Labour force surveys
Health workforce registry or database
Percentage of health workforce working in residential long-term care facilities
Sectoral workforce composition
Module 8 - Skill-mix composition for models of care
Health workers working in long-term care facilities
All health workers headcounts
Ratio of health workers working in long-term care facilities over all health workers.
Labour force surveys
Health workforce registry or database
Percentage of health workforce working in ambulatory health care
Sectoral workforce composition
Module 8 - Skill-mix composition for models of care
Health workers working in ambulatory health care
All health workers headcounts.
Ratio of health care workers in ambulatory care facilities to all health care workers
Labour force surveys
Health workforce registry or database
Specialist surgical workforce
Module 8 - Skill-mix composition for models of care
Surgical specialists workers heacounts
Total population
Density of surgical specialists workers per 100,000 population
Labour force surveys
Health workforce registry or database
Population census data
National medical specialist registries or databases
Family Medicine Practitioners
Module 8 - Skill-mix composition for models of care
Family medicine practitioners headcounts
Total Population
Density of family medicine practitioners per 100,000 populations
Labour force surveys
Health workforce registry or database
National medical specialist registries or databases
Existence of advanced nursing roles
Module 8 - Skill-mix composition for models of care
not applicable
not applicable
Survey among country experts or informants
Policy and strategic documents of governments and competent authorities
Availability of human resources to implement the International Health Regulations
International Health Regulation capacity
Module 8 - Skill-mix composition for models of care
not applicable
not applicable
Ministry of Health
Public Health institutions
Applied epidemiology training programme
International Health Regulation capacity
Module 8 - Skill-mix composition for models of care
Existence of standards of training in Applied epidemiology training programme. to None: none existent, Limited, etc.
not applicable
not applicable
Ministry of Health
Public Health institutions
Education and training institutions