DIY Training Toolkit
Develop your lesson plan

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Identify one issue

Choose one key performance-related issue to focus on
Start by listing 2-3 key performance-related issues your organization needs to address, select the one issue you think the training session can tackle, then develop a clear vision for what you want the training to achieve.

SiNing’s Pro Tips

Performance Issue and Goals Worksheet
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Performance Issue
Performance Goal
Reasons For
Reasons Against
Account Executives are struggling to close accounts, thus falling short on quarterly sales targets.
Account Executives close 30% of their sales qualified leads.
The companies ARR is directly tied to our quarterly sales.

We should invest in retention before we bring in more new customers

We’re currently losing customers on the bottom of the funnel due to recent customer support inefficiencies.
Describe outcomes...
Why a priority now

Why it can wait

Issue 3
Describe outcomes...
Why a priority now

Why it can wait

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