(Office of Personnel Management) A reference to guide federal managers. Resources include guides for managing federal employee misconduct, guidance on furloughs, and resolving poor employee performance.
(Peter H. Daly and Michael Watkins with Cate Reavis) [Non-government] A book coauthored by a former federal agency head that teaches new government managers how to navigate their transitions. Requires purchase.
(Office of Personnel Management) A guide for managers on granting employees time off for volunteer activities. Explains general time off, alternative work schedules, scheduled time off, and part-time employment and job sharing.
(Office of Personnel Management) A guide to onboarding new executives, including roadmaps and checklists. Targeted broadly at hiring managers, HR professionals, and newly hired executives.
(Partnership for Public Service) [Non-government]A report presenting leading practices from federal agencies, key findings in current practices, recommendations for improvement, and tools agencies can use to improve their onboarding, including a strategic onboarding model.
(18F) A blog post reflecting on the lessons learned from the reimagination of 18F’s hiring process in 2015. Relevant for managers and others involved in deciding onboarding and hiring practices.
While we uncovered many resources on being an effective manager in government (and how to evaluate a managers’ performance), we could not find materials that specifically address managing technical teams. This includes resources on managing technologists transitioning from industry. We also could not find resources on connecting teams across disciplines – for example, helping tech teams collaborate effectively with non-technical ones.