Skills Wiki for New Government Hires
Tech in Government

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Civic Tech: Miscellaneous Readings

This section provides other helpful readings on building civic technology, from overviews of the field to best practices from current and former leaders. None of the below are official government resources.

Recommended Readings

(Cyd Harrell) [Non-government] An orientation to some of the players in the civic tech ecosystem, both within the federal government and externally.
(Cyd Harrell) [Non-government] A book for technologists who work, or seek to work, in government by the first Chief of Staff of 18F. Requires purchase.
(Marina Nitze and Nick Sinai) [Non-government] A book to help employees and others navigate bureaucracies, including government bureaucracies. Requires purchase.
(Tara Dawson McGuinness and Hana Schank) [Non-government] A book seeking to help governments and nonprofits leverage technology. Requires purchase.
(Bruce Schneier) [Non-government] A compilation of many resources on technology for public benefit, including job boards, academic programs, blogs, videos, and much more. Not limited to government. Maintained by Bruce Schneier.
(The OpenGov Foundation) [Non-government] An investigation by The OpenGov Foundation into the systems, tools, and constraints that fuel how Congress engages with constituent input.

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