Skills Wiki for New Government Hires
Professional Development

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Interpersonal skills

This section provides resources to assist government employees in building their personal and organizational networks.
(General Services Administration) Affinity groups that federal employees working on digital services can join to meet others with similar roles and responsibilities. Example groups include Web Managers, IT Buyers, and Video Production Professionals.

Networking Resources

(Federal Leadership and Professional Development Seminar Series) A recording of a Federal Leadership Seminar on the importance of networking in the federal government.
(Federal Leadership and Professional Development Seminar Series) A recording of a Federal Leadership Seminar on the importance of political awareness as a federal employee. Political savvy refers to the ability to exhibit confidence and professionalism while relating to people at all levels.


We could not find good resources on what employees should know about networking within government. We found some guidance for HR professionals who might stand up networking programs within their agencies, but no materials for employees themselves.

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