Skills Wiki for New Government Hires
Professional Development

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The section includes resources for those seeking to improve their leadership skills, e.g., to become managers in the future.
(Office of Personnel Management) Resources for those interested in becoming managers within their organizations. Includes links to agency-specific information and more general OPM resources.

General Leadership Resources

(Office of Personnel Management) A guide for agencies on developing executive core qualifications (ECQs) in their leaders. Includes learning materials and workshops for competencies in 5 ECQs.
(Partnership for Public Service) [Non-government] A course hosted by the Partnership for Public Service for Federal Employees at the GS-12 to -14 levels seeking to develop their skills in acquisitions (Leadership Excellence for Acquisition Professionals, or LEAP), financial management, HR, IT, and more. Runs several times per year with a fee.
(Office of Personnel Management) General guidance for determining the qualifications necessary for supervisory positions. Lists 10 competencies that are most important for supervisory work.
(Office of Personnel Management) Guidance for agencies on how to increase proficiency in the executive core qualifications of their executives.
(Office of Personnel Management) A training program designed to develop the 5 executive core qualifications in potential future executives. Helpful in identifying and preparing future leaders.
(Office of Personnel Management) Tools and resources to help agencies determine future executive resources needs; evaluate the state of current talent; align talent to agency needs; finalize executive development plans; and implement and update plans.

While we uncovered many resources on development leadership skills in government, we found very few resources specifically dedicated to leadership skills for technologists in government. Resources should be developed specifically for improving leadership competencies for government technology leaders.

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