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Process mapping workbook
We’ve come such a long way in this mapping adventure and we are so close to the finish line. There have been so many moving pieces, and you may have added/reordered/removed steps along the way. Before we show you your fully mapped process, you need to double check that your data entry sequence, as it stands, makes sense.

This quality checker screens for 3 types of data issues:
Never used: This data point was added to your data point list at one point, but then was never used in your process. It can most likely be deleted.
Used but never created: Your process mentions modifying or updating this data point, but it doesn't mention setting its initial value. Return to and set it’s initial value in the Create section of a step.
Modified before created: Your process states that the initial value is set after another step says it is edited. That doesn’t make sense! Return to and make sure the field is created in a step previous to when it is updated.


Address any issues with data timelines that were introduced during the mapping process.



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