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Process mapping workbook
Now that we know what we will track, its time to start thinking about who can access each entry.
Below, you’ll find a complete list of all data fields involved in your process, as recorded in . Click the 🔎 to view a list of roles who edit and view the field at some point in the process.
You will determine if there should be any restrictions on viewing or editing permissions. Restrictions can be based on any parameter, common ones being users only being able to see fields that they are assigned to OR only users on an approved list having access.

For each field, there are 3 levels of restriction:
No restrictions: anyone with access to the doc can have the ability to edit/view
Restriction preferred: you’d prefer some users with access to the doc to not be able to view/edit this field, but it is not the end of the world if they do.
Restriction required: it is mandatory only certain users are able to view/edit this field.

Why is this important to think about?
Data access and visibility requirements play a critical role in deciding how you will build a process solution, be it in Coda or in another platform. Prior to building in Coda, you must have a complete understanding of access requirements and they can alter how your docs are structured and configured.


Identify access levels for each data field


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