Promocode Engine

Launched From:
This pop-up page will be launched when user will tap on arrow over promocode in Travelers Detail Page.
User story:
As a customer, I want to view and apply a promocode out of a list of promocodes, so that the applicable discounts and benefit is shown based on the promocode towards the booking amount.
As a customer, I should be able to view default promocode already applied as per the Airline selected, so that I can view the benefits of the default promocode against the list of other available promocodes.
Access: All users have access to this page
Application will show available type of promocode on Review page.
Show the promocodes by calling the GetPromos API
ServiceType will be ‘FLY’ or ‘HTL’ based on module
OrderID will remain 1 for all cases except for Multicity

Screen Fields Promocode
Field Type
Heading(Plain Text)
User will be able to select and apply promocode to get the discount and Cashback while booking • Cashback will be reflected in Akbar travels Wallet after successful payment.
Coupon Code Engine+ Apply CTA
In this section user will be able to fill the promocode by entering text manually. Text can be alpha numeric.
Also, the selected promocode will be visible here in this bar. Apply text-CTA will be at the right most side of the bar, user will use it if he enters the promocode manually. In case already applied promocode from Availability page then a Cross button will be visible instead of apply CTA.
Custom (one time) promocode validation must be done.
By default entering of letters will be in capital letter keyboard.
Promocode is not case sensitive
Coupon Code
Coupon code label in Capital letters is visible
Coupon Code Description
This section will have the description of the coupon
Apply Button
This will apply the promocode to the coupon code engine.
First validation is on Review page promocode Bar, in case user enters manually.
In case the promocode is valid only on selected cards starting from a Bin Number, and the payment method is not valid according to Promocodes terms and conditions or user entered a invalid card number or entered a card number which is not received in the Promo response from backend, then a consent will be asked from the user to proceed with payment without any discount(promocode).
On payment page:
User based promocode will effect the Fare calculation. Bin number (XXXXXX-XXXXXXXXX) first 6 digits will be provided in API. Need to validate and match if the user entered eligible card number or not.
Restriction message will be shown to the user “Promocode is invalid for this card, do you want to continue without Promocode or Retry with New Card no.”
In case user continue without Back specific promocode, then by-default promocode (example: ATFLY) will apply automatically
There are no rows in this table

Screen Buttons and Links

Cards 2
User will be able to apply the specific promocode
On clicking this button, user will land on Pricing/Travelers Detail page

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am a customer, When I select a promocode, Then the system must ensure that,
I am able to view the discounted price in fare breakup against the applicable promocode

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