Add Traveller
Page Heading Label
Similar to traveler’s detail page.
Link Icon
User will see a login icon incase user wants to login during the booking journey.
Once logged-in user will see the +saved travelers option from previously entered sa data
+saved Travelers
User can choose the passenger information by selecting the passenger from the po screen visible by clicking on this link.
It will help the user to fetch previously saved passengers’ details.
User will be able to view the saved travelers, if he is signed in. once the booking is completed successfully, the traveler's information will be sa automatically which is visible in later booking. User will be able to select the specific passenger type based on search request If a user has done a search for 1 Adult and 1 Child, he should be displayed saved Adult and Child passenger names only. saved travelers list can also be managed from hamburger menu in “Manage Travellers” option. Combo field
This is the header of the page. It will showcase previously entered search criteria as follows:
View Details
Arrow Link
It should show in a pop-up page about the flight details:
Flight Number, Aircraft information Airline name and Airline logo, Terminal inform Departure and Arrival time & sector details Baggage- cabin, check-in (in Kg or piece) Fare Type - Partially refundable or Non-Refundable Traveller Details
Heading Label
PAX No.#
PAX Label
User will see Pax with count example: Adult1, Adult2, Adult3, Child1, Infant1, etc. und pax count the details of passenger will be entered.
Pax count and Pax type will be equal to the count entered on flight search page.
Text Radio Button
Select Pax Title from:
Only show Mstr and Ms in case of Child and Infant PAX type. Remove Mstr in case of Adult First Name
O (First Name OR Last Name ==Mandatory to fill)
This option will allow the user to enter the First Name of the PAX
Rules and Validations
First and last name will be optional, either of them should be filled. LNU and FNU will be handled at backend. Both empty will be a restriction at front end side. for International travel, user should see notify text while entering “Enter as ment in your passport” Last Name
O (First Name OR Last Name ==Mandatory to fill)
This option will allow the user to enter the Last name of the PAX.
Rules and Validations
First and last name will be optional, either of them should be filled, LNU and FNU will be handled at backend. Both empty will be a restriction at front end side. Frequent Flyer No.
It will have selected Airline’s first 2 Digits(Airline Code) auto-filled. AirIndia-
• Either of Guest or Register user will be allowed to enter FFT information
Passport Information
Text Fields
O(mandatory only in case of international travel based on response)
This is separate section and is enabled based on response if the flight is International. User will enter the passport information passenger-wise. Passport mandatory Field API will provide information related to all passport related fields. (enable/disable the mandatory field) Passport related fields don't need to be verified these is just for information data be captured. Limitation:
The user should not enter any special character. It should be alpha numeric User should see notify text while entering “Enter as mentioned in your passport” Passport expiry
User will click to open a Calendar view having Year and month option to select.
Format should be DD/MM/YYYY
enabled calendar for user should be Dates from onward Flight till next 2 years
Issuing country
User will see a drop down of list of countries available in the API response
User can generate the request to opt for wheelchair at Airport. Using this drop down can either select Yes or No. Rules: By-default the selection should be none.
Visa Type
User will see a drop down showing following list of options:
This button will help user to proceed to Travelers Details page saving the add-trave information