Using this page user can Input Pax-wise Traveler’s Information
User Story:
As a customer, I want to enter the travelers’ details, so that the booking information gets associated with the traveler's information. As a logged-in customer, I want to select the saved travelers’ details, so that the user is able to fetch previously saved passengers’ details without re-entering the same. Navigation: This page will be launched when user will tap on edit button to enter Name Details on Travellers Details page.
Access: All users have access this page
Screen Fields(Add Traveler Details)
Screen buttons(Add Traveler Details)
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am an AKT user, When I have provided the Travelers details, then the system must ensure that the no. of passengers added should be exactly equal to the count of customers provided on Flight search Page. it allows the customer to fetch previously saved passenger itineraries. while booking is successful, the traveler's information will auto-save and will populate while creating later booking. 2. Given I am an AKT user, When I select a continue on previous page, Then the system must ensure that I am able to
Add the passenger name and Title, also Passport information in case of international flight Frequent flyer details in case user is a frequent customer to add loyalty points