The Website is not too text-heavy, and manages to persuade users by noting a few key points about its top-notch product. Visitors come away knowing that Akbar Travels is an all-in-one platform that is easy to use and a trusted brand.
Readers Guide
The following shows how to read the pages and sub-pages inside Modules:
The bifurcation of the project is done module-wise:
Common Module
Pages and sub-pages will be the screens of the developed website. Each page is explained as follows:
The scope is a general description of the page.
Navigation will tell the reader how the current page is launched
Designs are the visual representation of the data elements present in the screens and a prototype of the application.
Screen Fields are the data elements in matrix form explaining about what are the functionalities and features required in the application, whether it is a mandatory field or optional and what are the rules and validation to be taken care of for such feature.
User Story and Acceptance Criteria
User stories aim at describing what exactly the user wants the system to do, the goal of acceptance criteria is to explain the conditions that a specific user story must satisfy
It will help Developers and Testers to create Development and Testing plan to execute the project in the JIRA tool, as Jira Software is built for every member of the software team to plan, track, and release great software.
They are written as a sentence in following manner:
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