Flight Search Page

Using this page user can:
Input flight search criteria
View exclusive deals
View its recent searches
Epic Context:
As a traveler, I want to be able to search flights, providing locations and dates, So that I can obtain information about time and rates of the flights.
User Stories:
As a customer, I want to view recently searched flights in the form of content cards, so that on clicking a relevant bar, I navigate to Flight Availability page which showcases flight details as per the recent search query.
As a customer, I want to select a specific type of trip, so that based on the type of trip, the relevant flight details are displayed based on the source city, destination city, travel dates, travel class, passenger count and other preferences selected.
As a customer, I want to view list of deals in the form of content cards, so that on selecting a specific deal, I navigate to Exclusive Deals page to view the selected deal details. Also, offer card will show the product name for which the offer is applicable and to create an urgency, a timer will show against each card, if enabled.
This page will be launched when user will tap on flight on Akbar travel home page.
Access: All users have access to this page
Flight Search Page.png

Table 1 Data Elements (Flight Search Page)
Field Type
One Way/Round Trip/Multi City
Tab Selection
By clicking on any tab, user can select a search type for flights
One way would be default selected.
Dropdown Search Bar
Value in this field will be fetched from the geo location of the user if he allows location permission, which will select the “FROM” location automatically.
If user wants to search manually he will be able to search by typing or select from dropdown having
Recent Search (visible up to 3 latest searches only in the search bar drop-down)
Important Airports
Rules & Validations:
Search results will appear as soon as user enter 3 characters
‘Locate user’ will autofill the “From” location (Nearest airport)
Dropdown Search Bar
By clicking this, user will be able to search their Destination city or airport by providing IATA airport code or by the name of airport/city/country in the search field.
User can also select the listed:
Recent Search (visible up to 3 latest searches only in the search bar drop-down
Important airports list
The flow should be seamless. Once the user selects the onward airport, the destination airport should immediately open followed by Travel dates.
Rules & Validations:
* Search results will appear as soon as user enter 3 characters
Depart Date
Using this user will input the departing date
User will able to see the flight rates on calendar for each day.
Done button will save the dates and move back to search page.
This is a mandatory field in case for:
One Way
Round Trip
Selected date will appear in DD/MMM Day, YY format.
Rules & Validations
Max. 365 days open calendar window for booking a flight from current date
By default it will take current date
Show Price/fare on calendar through caching which will be available through the API
vertical Cells of Sunday name and its dates will be in red color.
Lowest fare of the month will be shown in green color to highlight and gather attention of the user.
other fares apart from lowest fare, will be shown in grey color
Provision to show the date of Holidays in the calendar to be added in different color.
Return Date (in case of round trip only)
M(in case of Round Trip only )
Users will input the returning date only they want to book a return flight
User will able to see the flight rates on calendar for each day.
Selected date will appear in [DD/MMM Day,YY] format.
There are 3 ways to select Round trip:
selecting round trip tab on search page
+add round trip dates in search page
+add round trip date in Calendar
Rules & Validations
Max. 365 days open calendar window for booking a flight from current date
If roundtrip is selected, current date for onward and the next day for return date will be selected by default.

+Add City (in case of Multicity only)
This will enable user to add more sectors in single booking. For a trip to be multicity, there should be more than 2 cities in the complete itinerary.
There will be a Cancel icon at the end of each sector line which can cancel the Line item if not required by the user.
Maximum trips in a single search for Multicity is limited to 6.
Add City Button will be disabled when the user will reach the limit of 6 sectors.
When clicking on Add city, Destination of previous sector will auto-fill the origin of next sector bar.
User will get the provision to change the auto filled origin city, if required.
Travelers & Class
+/- button and tab selection
Using this, user can enter no. of travelers by adding no. of Adults, children and Infants.
Total no. of travellers will be shown on frontend on flight search page.
Also, User can select the class by simply tapping the tab of, one of the tab selection is mandatory:
Premium Economy
Rules & Validations
Economy Class would be auto selected
1 Adult is by default selected in Pax count.
Unaccompanied Minor(child) cannot travel alone.
Maximum passenger count is 9 in 1 Booking.
Adult + Child should not exceed 9.
Infant count should not exceed Adult count.
If user want to book more than 9 customers, -offline request to be generated and handled separately. User will see a link of Click here This will redirect to a User contact information pop?up window, once user enter the Email Id and Phone no., success message will pop-up and group booking request (PAX more than 9) will be submitted. the pop-up screen will show autofill Email ID and Mobile no. for registered user but user can edit that field.
Special Fare
User will see special unchecked options like:
Student Fare
Senior citizen
Defence fare
would be available, user can select option by clicking required checkbox
Rules & Validations
One Check Box will be selected at a time.
Default search will be regular fare
Search Flight
This button will only be enabled if all mandatory fields have input by the user, else this button would be disabled On click of this button user will be redirected to the flight availability page.
Recent Searches
Recent search Icon is present at the top-right corner of the screen, a new pop-up screen will open containing recent searches bars.
On click of any recent search bar, users will redirect to the availability page to avoid re-entering the parameters on Flight Search screen.
Recent search Bars will have the date of search, Origin and destination city, Booking Class and passenger count entered by the user.
User can clear the data by clicking on Clear All or by delete individual search by swiping each search.
Rules and Validations
Up to 5 recent searches would be visible.
The latest 5 searches will be dependent on device whether Guest or Login user, omit the API integration for this feature.
Once Departure date is passed, the recent search line will get removed automatically from the history.
Guest user search will be stored in local storage. For signed in users, the same will be stored in the database.
After clearing the recent searches, the icon of recent search will disappear as all the data will be cleared off and re-appear as soon as user start new searched from flight search page.

This will be a second section on this page where exclusive deals will be shown in a Horizontal scrollable view.
In case of deals not related to flight, user will be redirected to web page.
Image + CTA
This would be the banner image of the deal containing product information for which the offer is applicable and a timer to create an urgency.
User will be able to click on the banner image, API will fetch Data stored for that Banner and navigate the user to the Banner Detail Page where detailed information of the offer will be shown to the user.
Background Image
Tagging is present at the top left corner module-wise
CTA image will itself be a button it will redirect to exclusive deal details page
Count-Down Timer- present at the top right corner. Provision is not Live as of now but once functionality is live we need to show. AT team will provide the Timer status and response from the backend, only visibility and content is front end part.
Count-Down Timer will be shown if the data is available, in case of no data , it will not get any place holder on the Card image, thus not shown to the user.

Promo Code
Content Card /Button
O(only when banner is a promocode type offer)
User have the option to copy the promocode from this section which is present over the image link card of Banner.
Top 90% of banner image will be a CTA.
Provide Promocode and Copy button on the Ribbon at the bottom which is remaining 10% of the Banner image
System will ensure only the latest promocode copied will be saved in clipboard

View All Deals
Clicking on View All, user will be able to navigate on the offers landing page where all the product offers will be listed Module-wise.
Page Rule:
Last searched From/To City and date should be auto populated when the customer comes to the flight search page next time.
In case user did not selected any date and closed the application, then by default selection for date will be same as agreed Date rules.
The flow should be seamless. Once the user selects the onward airport, the destination airport should immediately open followed by Travel dates in case of one way and Round Trip.
In case of Multicity, we do not have one Tap/Seamless experience. User will land on Search page after selecting dates and search airport/city.
There are no rows in this table
Screen Messages/Conditions
This message will display when the user will try to add more than 9 (Adults+ Children) in order to create a Group booking. This will be handled offline.
More than 9 Travelers!! Click here for special rates
+ Button on Adult and child count
No internet connectivity
Internet not available. Please retry when connection is available.
No. of Infant count exceeds Adult
Infant cannot exceed Adult count
+ Button on Infant count
If a user has entered same city/airport name in the “From” and “To” field, search should not be initiated and user should see a message
Origin city and Destination city cannot be the same.
Search Flight Button
There are no rows in this table
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a customer, When I select a search card under recent searches, then the system must ensure that:
On click, the customer navigates to the Flight Availability Page as per the trip type in the recent search criteria.
The customer is able to view the list of flights as per the recently selected search criteria.
The customer would be able to view all the prefilled information based on which the recent search criteria was executed in the respective flight availability page.
The customer is able to pull down the Recent Search drawer to get back to Flight Search Page
Given I am a customer, When I provide the required information as shown in Table 1 , Then the system must ensure that:
Customer is able to select source and destination city based on which flight listing will be filtered.
Customer is able to select the type of trip which would decide departure/return dates as follows:
One Way - Only Departure Date
Round Trip - Both Departure Date and Return Date
Multi City Trip - Only Departure Date for each trip.
Customer is able to select the number of passengers and define passenger type.
Customer is able to select the travel class like Economy, Premium Economy, Business etc. Customer is able to view and select special fare options as per customer category.
Given I am a customer, When I click on a special deals, Then the system must ensure:
Customer is able to copy the promocode from the desired deal from the content cards.
Customer is navigated to Exclusive Deals Detail Page to view the details of the selected deal.
Customer is able to view Exclusive Deal Listing Page to view list of all exclusive deals

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