MVP Revolutionizing B2B Lead Generation with "Elysium": A Paradigm Shift in Modern Marketing

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Unlocking the Secrets: Building a Fortune 500 Outbound Team with a Single System In The B2B Industry

A Step-by-Step Guide to Boosting Your Deal Flow by $1M-$5M This Year!

Check out all of our other resources on the left side of this page! 🥳
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For Founders, CEOs, Business Development Managers and Sales Managers in the B2B space or are looking to venture into it: This document showcases exactly how to add an additional $1M-$5M a year in the next 12 months without paid advertising or relying on referrals.

Looking for a way to scale without hiring trash lead vendors or pay-per-lead agencies charging you a fortune per meeting?

We are Fractional CRO’s (Done With You Revenue Growth Consultants) that help B2B companies or B2C companies looking to enter the B2B market grow strategically without worrying about having to hire another agency or onboard another SDR.

We provide you with Elysium, an in-house managed outbound system to deliver high quality meetings at scale (20-100+ qualified demos a month).

There are no monthly retainers, no contracts or hidden fees. You are also provided with the best outbound program, sales trainings, SOPs, 12 month growth consultant plan out there to get results internally as we work together.

We’re only looking to partner with a few select clients in the B2B industry for a one time investment so check out what’s in store for you here:

Even if you don’t book a call I hope you learned some valuable things to further scale your company. If you want to reach me go ahead and book a call on our site or reach back to me or my assistants email that we sent you a message from.


Table Of Contents

Check out our table of contents below if you ever get lost. This will be quite a bit of information to read so feel free to go back. If you implement this you will get results and if you don’t have time to implement this then go ahead and schedule a call to work with us.

We are Fractional Business Development Managers that take on very few clients so we can ensure a high success rate, help you create sales assets tailored towards your industry, optimize your sales performance to close more deals and we only charge a one-time setup fee to gain access to our whole program. No monthly retainers, hidden fees or commission given.

Anyways, hope you enjoy and let me know if you get results or want to discuss a partnership!


This is For

B2B companies that are frustrated with demand generation agencies not producing results.
B2B companies that sell a high ticket service or product (Over $1,000)
B2B companies looking for consistent growth without having to train BDR’s or build your own system
Want a scalable outbound system that can reach thousands of prospects per day with your offer.
B2B companies heavily reliant on referrals or inbound leads.
B2B companies heavily reliant on executives or founders to take sales calls.
Sales and Business Development based executives looking to expand their career and promote higher up in their company.
You’re looking for a team that will help train and develop your business and sales development department
If you’ve got a high ticket product or service offering, but can’t figure out a way to expand and reach your ideal clients.

Getting Started

Prerequisites to Outbound Marketing

The Outbound Playbook:

Preframing Leads and Post Follow Up

CRM Management and KPI Tracking

Our Offer to You

Want some more value? Check out some of our videos below.

Utilizing for Email Automation

In this video, I'll show you a software that has revolutionized our outbound outreach efforts for account-based marketing. By streamlining the process, this software reduces prospecting time from 10-30 hours a week to just 20 minutes. With the ability to integrate multiple softwares, it enriches data and provides pre-made enrichments for personalized emails. I'll demonstrate how it works enriching the site as an example. This video is packed with actionable insights to supercharge your outbound system.

How to Get Outreach Software for Cheap 💰

Hey, in this video, I'll show you how to save thousands of dollars on expensive software by using a site called AppSumo. AppSumo offers limited-time or lifetime deals on software from startups and established companies. I'll share examples of amazing deals, like a lifetime subscription to for only $49, and email list validation with 1 million credits per year for just $59. Don't miss out on these incredible savings!

How to Automate Your Business With Zapier

In this video, I will introduce you to Zapier, a powerful automation tool that allows you to create if-then automations without any coding. With thousands of integrations, Zapier can automate 99% of your tasks. I will demonstrate how to use Zapier with Calny, a booking software, and Active Campaign, an email marketing tool with CRM capabilities. By setting up automations, you can streamline your business processes, from booking appointments to sending emails and text messages. Don't waste time on manual tasks when you can automate them with Zapier.
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