MVP Revolutionizing B2B Lead Generation with "Elysium": A Paradigm Shift in Modern Marketing
Unlocking the Secrets: Building a Fortune 500 Outbound Team with a Single System In The B2B Industry

Thunder Before The Storm - Pre-Call Nurturing

Once you start booking appointments you are going to want to nurture your prospects before getting on the phone.

There are a couple of things that they will have questions on.

1. Is this company legit?

2. What do they do?

3. What value do they bring to the table?

These are the barebone things you should be able to answer before the call. If your website isn’t working or it looks like a scam then you can forget about signing new deals.

Cold email is only a vehicle to get new leads and interested prospects in the door. Most people when they send emails they have no website, it looks like spam and they failed all of the questions above.

Then they claim that cold email doesn’t work and will never work.

It is merely just a vehicle to get new opportunities.

Once you feel comfortable answering the above questions now is the time to ask you a couple more. These are questions that most of our clients are unable to answer due to the fact they have never implemented things like this before.

1. Did I provide value to them before they booked?

2. Did I provide value after they booked and before our appointment?

3. Did I send over tangible social proof and results before our appointment?

4. Do they know who I am? (Sent over links to websites, value, Linkedin, etc)

If you can answer yes to those questions then perfect you have a follow up sequence.

If you answered no then go ahead and create some sales assets or think of things you can do to provide value before your call. Whitepapers, videos, courses, lead magnets. Anything free that shows that you truly care about your prospects and are willing to go above and beyond to help them get where they need to be.

Here is an example of a follow up sequence I used to run for my Facebook ads agency (Before starting Influespire). We worked mainly with mortgage brokers and financial service companies and my sales rep had a 35% closing rate!

Before the call:

Untitled 12.png
Untitled 13.png
Untitled 14.png
Untitled 15.png

You can see the amount of value we provided was exponential and any client that checked it out usually became a client.

Was the idea behind the value to make them a client? Yes and no. It should be your duty to provide value into the market for your B2B business even if a client were to sign or not sign. Clients can smell slimey salesmen.
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