LIVE: Interior Decoration Masterclass
LIVE: Interior Decoration Masterclass
5. Abundance By Design Summit

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5.3 Health, Ergonomics & Productivity

Dr. Alan Hedge


Q&A with Dr. Alan Hedge

Alan is always the project leader. He has been a professional human factors ergonomist for over 40 years and leads the ergonomics services offered by Humanuse.
From 1987-2019 he was Professor in the Department of Design and Environmental Analysis, Cornell University where he directed the Human Factors and Ergonomics teaching and research programs. Prior to joining Cornell, he ran the Graduate Program in Applied Psychology and Ergonomics at Aston University, Birmingham, U.K. From 1990-1993 he was also an Honorary Research Fellow at the Institute of Occupational Health, University of Birmingham, U.K. and he has been a Research Professor; in the Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Syracuse University.
His research and teaching activities focused on issues of design and workplace ergonomics as these affect the health, comfort and productivity of workers. His research themes included workstation design and carpal tunnel syndrome risk factors for workers, alternative keyboard and input system designs, the performance and health effects of postural strain, and the health and comfort impacts of various environmental stressors, such as the effects of indoor air quality effects on sick building syndrome complaints among office workers, and the effects of office lighting on eyestrain problems among computer workers.
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