Darkblock Docs

The Upgrader

The Upgrader is a software package delivered as an NPM. It enables users to easily upgrade NFTs with Darkblock unlockable content.
The Upgrader manifests as a button that is visible if the user is allowed to add unlockable content.
Add Content Button
Clicking on the button opens the upgrade modal.
Upgrade modal
The user uploads the file to encrypt and can add a name and description.
Selects file
The user signs with their wallet.
Signing to create
The asset gets encrypted and uploaded to Arweave.
Encyrpting and storing
This takes only a few seconds and then the user can restart the flow to add more content or finish the upgrade.
The encrypted asset is now available in the Viewer.
New asset available in the viewer

NFT Upgrades

The Upgrader is a piece of software the Darkblock Team has built on top of the Darkblock API. As the name implies, its function is to upgrade pre-existing NFTs.
Its main purpose is to make the lives of web3 builders, that want to give their end users the ability to upgrade their NFTs with darkblocks, a little bit easier.
Builders can grab the Upgrader as an
and as long as the NFT ID is passed into the Upgrader and the user can connect their wallet to verify they have the permission to create a darkblock for this specific NFT the Upgrader takes care of the rest.
The Upgrader is easily customizable with CSS so as to match the app it lives in.

Collection Upgrades

We are currently working hard to support collection upgrades also in our NPM. Stay tuned on Discord and Twitter for product updates.
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