Leadership Meetings

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What Does A Product/Marketing Meeting Look Like?

Purpose: Review customer mindshare. Review competitors. Conduct a SWOT analysis. Review your Employee Value Proposition (EVP).
Outcome: An idea of what is being done well and where you can do a better job. An optimized marketing strategy.
Process: The person from the product/marketing side of the business should prepare a presentation on mindshare and differentiators. In the book Traction, differentiators are referred to as the “Three Uniques.” Essentially, these are what make you different, what make you stand out, and what you’re competing with. Decide what you’re good at and what you offer that no one else can. Whoever is leading this section of the meeting should illustrate these concepts.
Mindshare is used to determine how well consumers receive a product or service. You should decide what word you want people to associate with your brand. Then, how can you do a better job at increasing that mindshare?
Someone else at the meeting should conduct an analysis of your competition ahead of the meeting. Check out four competitors and see what they’re doing each month. Sometimes the results will be “our competitors aren’t doing anything,” which is an acceptable outcome. But sometimes you may discover your competition is embarking on a new ambitious advertising campaign and you will need to plan how to respond.
The leader of the People and Culture department should prepare a presentation on how the EVP has evolved since the previous meeting. They should be able discuss what they are doing to evolve it.
The finance person will make a presentation on where the company is spending more money and forecasting a growth budget for marketing.
The GM will take in all of this information and decide where to allocate energy and resources.

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