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Organizational Audit

One of the biggest problems we encounter on the path to full integration is that we can create all the systems we want, but you need to make sure that people actually follow them. In order to ensure discipline, a company must have regular organizational audits.
This audit will be conducted by a third party every 90 days, beginning at the end of the second quarter. This third party will go through the company’s Clarity Boards and score each of the components of an Integrated Business. They will look at whether regular meetings were held and whether they were recorded. A random sample review of customer calls will be conducted to ensure they had a purpose, objective, and process (POP). The scoring methodology must be transparent.
Clarity Boards
Clarity Boards are a one-stop shop for everything surrounding a given role.

A Clarity Board is a tool we use as a framework for policies and procedures within which every individual in a leadership role operates. The tool allows us to set a vision and track goals, as well as implement an organized and effective people system that focuses on what’s most important for each business owner.

It’s also used to track all meetings, including the meeting set-up and rhythm. Because of this, it’s a very effective tool for auditors to ensure that systems and procedures are being followed.
A very meaningful bonus will be tied to the organizational audit. If they pass the audit, each person on the leadership team, plus the integrator and regional director, stand to make $5,000 per quarter for the first three or four quarters of Snowball’s involvement.
The bonus will also include $25,000 that the leadership team will spend on something fun for the company that benefits everyone. It could be used to throw a party, build a game room, or it could just be distributed as the leadership team sees fit (assuming the company passes the audit).
Audits will be held at the end of Q2, Q3, and Q4. They will allow us to see whether the proper systems have been put in place and are being followed, and provide a strong indicator as to how much the Integrator can begin stepping back.
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