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One of the great advantages to working with Acquira is that we have a number of businesses going through this process. Some businesses may be at the same point in the process, others further ahead or behind, but they are all experiencing the implementation of these systems.
This is an invaluable resource for everyone involved and we take full advantage of it by hosting forums. In the Integrated Business Timeline, forums are introduced after Q2 and help add a layer of of accountability for our leaders.
Virtual forums will be held monthly, so that the leaders of each department can share ideas and experiences with their associates from other companies. The GMs will meet with other GMs, those in charge of Culture and People will all get together and share ideas, as will those in charge of sales, marketing, and operations.
These monthly virtual meet-ups will culminate in a yearly summit where everyone will come together to meet in person. This helps foster a sense of community and sharing that is invaluable across all of our businesses.
In addition, leadership training will be available for teams, and this will often be done in a group setting with other forum members.
Snowball forums would include four or five people, including the integrator, Culture and People Person, GM, and other stakeholders within the company.
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