Documentation - User Manual

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How to read this User-Manual

This User Manual consists of linked pages. Once you see a term that you are unfamiliar with, you can read its description in Page (You don’t need to read all, just refer these when you need), or refer the link provided to those terms.
You are encouraged to explore the platform yourself. This document will help whenever you are stuck somewhere. You can follow the steps listed in this user-manual, and try them on Shoonya.

Using Shoonya for the first time

Follow these steps if you are using Shoonya for the first time:
Check out .
Take a read of page, to know what things can you do on Shoonya.
Based on your role, check out the workflow provided in this User-Manual:
If you are a Language Expert, who is going to work on Annotation tasks, you may refer .
In case you are a Workspace Manager, who is going to manage Annotation tasks, you may refer .
If you have any doubts regarding the working of Shoonya, you can check-out if your question is asked in .
In case you still have any issues, you can with your doubt.
For Language Experts who want to type in their languages using an English Keyboard, may refer .

Installing Google Input Tools

can be used as an extension to your web browser to type in various Indic languages using Transliteration support.
*We suggest that you to use Google Chrome web browser to use Google Input Tools.
To install the extension, refer following steps:
Click “Add to chrome” button.
Select “Add extension” button from the pop-up that may appear on your screen.
This will automatically download and install the extension on your web browser.
Once the extension is successfully installed, a pop-up window like this will appear:
Now click on “Extensions” button shown on top-right of your web browser.
This will show a list of extensions added to your browser. Select “Pin” button shown after Google Input tools to pin it to your taskbar. (Optional)
Click on input tools’ extension button, and select “Extension Options”.
Double tap on tools which you want to add to the extension glossary:
*Note that there are various tools listed for Transliteration, virtual keyboard, handwriting etc.
Double click on the left to add an input tool. Double click on the right to remove a selection.
*Related articles on how to use individual input tools:

Now, in order to enable an input tool, click on the extension button on top and select the required tool.
For quick shifting between enabling and disabling an input tool, you can check out the keyboard shortcuts for extension by following method:
Tap on extension, and select Keyboard Shortcut Settings option:
Check out the shortcuts listed for Google Input Tools, and customize them as per your convenience using edit button.
*Play with this around to get your hands used to the keys!

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